Why it's snowing outside and the heater is not warm enough, because there are two degrees and I did not want to go out, because I do not like the novel began, seems to be written by a girl, because my best friend gave me a hole, because after all we are not so different from the characters, because I do not want to watch TV so there is never anything, because today I listened to Piazzolla and I was heart broken, because someone had to be with me tonight but did not come, because the dinner will be frugal and I will satisfy, because my dog \u200b\u200bdecided to stand sitting on the opposite side of the sofa, because people call you only when they need to tell you something and never know how you are, but you call me mom and stand in silence and then I understand that it is only a phone call to find out if they are still alive, because it shows us things we do not want to see, because some things should be re-read several times in life, because I must stop.
need something to happen again. The work I do is too hard, because my work consists in exciting human compassion. There are a few things-a few! - Capable of touching the man, some few, but the trouble is that, if used frequently, lose their effect. Why do people have the tremendous power to harden as it were to your liking. So for example it happens that a man who sees another man standing on a street corner with a stump in the arm, so upset the first time remains of course to give him ten pence, but the second time by only five pennies, and if he sees a third time, delivers it safely to the police. The same happens with the resources of moral .