Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sopressata,italian Salami
What you can let in a race that you have already run six times? What new can you try one more manifestation of which you know perfectly all: Location, volunteers, organizers and speakers
? These are two questions that I am placed immediately after running the marathon of Reggio Emilia. I have not found the answer in words but in the contentment and harbored happiness in me. When I speak of the Marathon City tricolor I like to take into account the whole weekend because it is from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon that the athlete or rather the person who plays the role that becomes the main character, the heart of ' whole "circus" and as such is treated, pampered and served. "Reggio Emilia" has always understood that those who run the marathon event is the flywheel of the common, ordinary man who wants to be in the spotlight, the main actor is not simple pop or goose that laid golden eggs by plucking as unfortunately happens to many other places where you think a lot more to the top runners, the image and the business. Who is he does at Reggio Emilia for the sake of running and aware to spend a good day of sport with many others with whom he shared the same passion ... THE PASSION OF THE RACE. Who runs in Bologna, almost always comes back and does so willingly, this are the numbers that "they say" comforting and thanking the organizing committee. This year the climate has wanted to be benign, a weekend of good weather and no fog, rain and snow, as in the past has been, has helped everyone: athletes, escorts, organizers and favored even more festive and cheered their hearts. I was the marathon expo is Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, everything seemed to me ordered, hospitality fantastic, as usual, and the withdrawal of the chest quickly. Sunday morning in the sports hall, which houses all the services a few years, we still saw the arrival of some athletes that retired race number, all a bustle of people, a flow is perfectly conveyed by the speaker who was in so annoying that you would create traffic jams. You could use the changing rooms but almost all of the steps they used the system to "change clothes" and then left the bags on the spot where the volunteers then they would be kept under control. There was an atmosphere of friendship, I myself have had the opportunity to meet many people I had met on previous events and with whom we had arranged to meet in Reggio Emilia. Peter wandered between us aside, that with the camera and microphone interviewing a bit 'of athletes trying to steal some emotion and Stefano Morselli with his trusty camera and took photos at all, staring at the faces and gestures of the athletes knowing that soon his equipment would have "left" unfortunately! The starting line located five hundred feet from the sports hall was reached in a short time there, the athletes were warming, photographers, carers and sbandieratori filled the entire roadway. At nine o'clock the "Snake men" comes alive ... KICKS OFF THE MARATHON OF THE CITY 15 ^ 'of the tricolor, a tour through the city center, passing it back for a farewell to the stage of departure and route to Piazza Tricolore which expresses the departure from city. As the miles pass you go up the hill and so the gray of the buildings is transformed as if by magic in the soft colors of late autumn. Now the background is colored green, yellow and brown, the blue sky is watching us from above and so the mind benefits from it, it runs quietly. Me with my usual flag Inter following are the target, sympathy, teasing by fans of other teams but this one is and I always fun. My gait is having to do quite a workout, I stop to drink at all in some refreshments and I stop just to chat, do some technical stops, so to speak, I have some stomach problem, but nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, many people, for the article on Race and photos published in the November issue recognize me and make me compliments, I thank them all happy and smiling even if these statements make me blush. Throughout the course it will. The people on the roadside transmits heat, refreshments gargantuan that there are never missing a beat, an encouragement to all is a party. The fortieth km reach my friend Andrea, she says she has had a problem, something I can not scream and write "port" with me to the finish line. I begin to prepare my usual show with the banner of Inter to two hundred meters from the finish when I heard a voice calling me from the public, I turn and I see my granddaughter Asia that greets me, I go back a few tens of meters, to take hand with Andrea ec'involiamo all three to the finish line. I do not hide that I'm excited so much astonishment at seeing this little girl run that looking forward smiled happily as if he were living in a dream, between two wings of the crowd applauded. "How I see the world through his eyes right now," I said to myself, and meanwhile in a mixture of joy, tears and happiness finishes. The delivery of the medal strictly to the neck of my nephew that if he looked happy and glazed ends the story of the day and stops the image that will remain indelibly etched in my mind. Excuse me if I can still move me so little, and moreover after running more than thirty marathons and ultramarathon but some are stronger than me, alive with emotion and when they feel happy or they are present. Someone, perhaps a few curious you can ask how much time I have finished the race, I tell him calmly that I absolutely did not care the time it was to be a workout, I had to do well and I had to get into the joy of running. Everything happened and I'm satisfied. In this period where almost everyone ends the year as I'm "digging" to lay the foundation for next season. Foundation to be solid, very solid. There will be processed, a lot of work but I'm here and I do not shoot back. The Seregno hundred miles to be run in less than eight hours and nine packages are the two main goals for next season and deserve respect. My heartfelt thanks go to all those who have made this a beautiful day, the President of the organizing committee, all volunteers until the last athlete crossed the finish line, I say once more THANKS!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Husbend Feeding Wifes Breast

Mr. B. hated waking up after a few hours of sleep, all hot and sweaty because the wife, without his knowledge, had raised the temperature of the room.
The wife of Mr. B. loved the hot and felt at ease in tropical climates.
Mr. B. did not like to talk about the early morning, and sat in the living room, sipping His bitter coffee, read the newspaper very seriously. Not everything, however, because he had the bad viziaccio to support the wet cup titles above or on the editorial, so that he could never read.
The wife of Mr. B. loved to speak very early in the morning and any argument: of time, the transience of scented geraniums, and the near hysteria of his cat, itself and its beauty.
Mr. B and the wife of Mr. B. George had a rough-haired dachshund.
Every day George was being carried out around 11 am, from Mr. B for the usual, toilet walk.
George was not any dog, but it was the dog of Mr. and Mrs. B., for this reason was receiving some respect in the neighborhood.
received from the tasty pork sausages, which were thrown by the rotund operator with an unexpected force and enthusiasm, most of the time, ended up hitting the poor clients, who were leaving the store with pieces of sausage in her hair.
from the florist's daughter received pampering delicate head. George rolled on his back and his purple tongue called the little girl to play. The girl, known throughout the country for his acumen, did not understand.
The afternoon was dedicated to spiritual exercises and daily visits to the uncle of Mrs. B.
George hated every afternoon of his short but intense life canine. Not being souls owners, all dogs be prohibited from entering the church, but not to him. Being the dog of Mr. B., had to have a shred of sweetbreads somewhere and it was well accepted even within the tiny, smelly, the village church.
The dark, cold and the intense smell of incense, put George uncomfortable and, sadly, he crouched next to the big ankles Mrs B., hoping each time not to come over it. But after the cold weather, the liturgy of the word, the Eucharist and the final farewell, the terror is now making its way into the mind of George as blurred, with the heavy Bentley Mr. B., were approaching at full throttle in his uncle's house lady B.
Nothing could portend the dark presence in this fine Victorian mansion. The sequence was always the same. Sound the bell. No noise. Wait five minutes. Look for the keys from inside the handbag. Enter. Dark. Switching on the lights. And from that moment, nothing, because George had never been able to see the uncle of Mrs. B.
He had seen a foot out from behind a tent, a hairy arm from under the bed and a piece back from the bathroom door, but never the whole figure. The uncle of Mrs. B. had never been fully seen by anyone. The only people who had received the Mr. and Mrs. B.
But the thing that terrified George is the complete lack of smell of his uncle. A human being with no smell.
Mrs. B. made tea and Mr. B. paid the shortbread, a favorite uncle, in a chipped saucer. And both stretched the cup of steaming tea and biscuits at the hand coming out from behind the sofa to secure flowers. It is not talking. Never. George could only hear the noise coming from the objects collided absently Mrs and Mr B. About six o'clock Mrs. B, resolute, and George picks her up, with the same resoluteness was wearing coat, hat and scarf, George incorporating the poor between the chest and the buttons of his coat.
The return to the big house of lords B. George was reassuring. He found his warm kennel and his food and he would let him go to his usual thoughts about why humans are so uninteresting . Reflections that would last until the next morning walk.
Bonne nuit!
(to Sebastian)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Dv-220v アンロック
The Spartathlon I have already finished a couple of months, so while the memories and emotions remain in the hearts and history now indelibly as a brushstroke on a painting by Van Gogh, a cool head I like to analyze a little the whole adventure Greek land in hand, the months that preceded it, and have contributed significantly to the success of manifestazione.Cosa can push an athlete like me to make an effort so great in most extreme conditions? The answer is simple but its implementation is a bit less ... "The head is a great motivation within." Everybody in the strong drive to participate and finish a super fuel ... not enough! This push you need to tie to something special, must grow hand in hand with physical training and then at the decisive moment that is the start of the race have its climax up to explode into positive energy to draw upon the forces. In an event like the Spartathlon, long and hard even this mental energy is exhausted, as in nature nothing is created, but everything is transformed, we must tap into and transform what is positive in the memories of the training events, the details that you notice during the location and the incitement of the people and other athletes who live in that moment, more or less, your difficoltà.Lungo the same two hundred forty-six kilometers of the route was enough to meet the kids who ask me the autograph to make me feel and become a hero, the reception of the checkpoints gave me the warmth and affection that you can ask a parent when you're a little lost. The very thought of doing the same route Pheidippides made me a warrior. Last autumn, long months of training and study of the race have filled my giornate.Ho started building the "dream" slowly and without hurry get it to become realtà.Ho built during my lane departure , a castle from the ground very hard and resistant to any location and any arma.Sono did well to draw from the difficulties the positives: The long crisis in the smuggler and suffering Extreme Marathon in the Golden Rimini could kill an elephant ... NOT ME! Another crucial help of my "head" has given the social network Facebook.E 'I wrote them my feelings and my training, I have many friends supported, encouraged me in agony and have shared with me all the good times and moments brutti.Si had formed a really good group ... I could FAILS YOU DO NOT! I knew of their support and respect they felt towards my effort, were with me to push myself when I was tired, were with me to keep me warm at night when it was pouring and the arrival on the avenue were with me ... NO, YOU DO NOT could FAILS ABSOLUTELY! For the road from Athens to me led to Sparta, which was along the route of Pheidippides, I was always lucid, I never had a mental collapse in some circumstances even if the adverse events could be addressed to rise up as a pretext or excuse a lot easier to credibly explain ritirarmi.Mi better at the check point thirty-five, after one hundred twenty-four km run, thirteen hours and thirty minutes of the race, with one hundred twenty-two km and still running with a flood that was already down by about fifteen miles and that will be with us for hours, I decided that it was Now it's time to give me a massage. The massager has a doubt after various processes and makes me get up, shakes his head and says I have the pelvis out of alignment and that would have gone in continue corsa.Una shiny little person already in trouble before an assist like that he would surrender ... had a solid alibi.Io But no, with the knowledge of risking their lives in an extreme sport I decide to continue, even as it poured gait could not be very low also because of the trail at that point, I also have the strength to eat a nice plate of spaghetti as digestion could not adversely affect athletic performance by decreasing the race was my rendimento.La infinite, and so along the way I was able to race with athletes from other countries and my being multilingual has helped me tantissimo.Dove I had another nice boost of energy was when I raced with the other Italian friends, we used force against each other and we cried with joy and sang the national anthem when the cp fifty-two, after one hundred seventy-two kilometers and twenty-three hours and thirty minutes of running, we learned that Ivan had won the gara.Questa news gave us wings to the heart, mind and my physical and mental freshness gambe.La took me until the end to calculate all the various benefits on the timing of closure of ristori.Man they went ahead I could see the fatigue in physical and in the heads of all the athletes who overcame, we respect but always with the drama of sports and incitement veemenza.Verso the end, when she was five kilometers, I began to weep for joy until I embarked on the path of about half a mile away with the statue of King Leonidas, who served as the mistress and the people from the balconies m'incitava. I ran between two rows of the crowd, no tears addition, children on bicycles who were following me my wake, waving my flag of the Inter ... I was ecstatic and speechless, mute. Two hundred and fifty meters from the finish line I made the cloth into a fist and started to scream out loud rid of everything I had and I knew people dentro.La acclaimed ... I skipped the steps leading to the statue and also those to his right foot, so instead of arriving as do caressing the foot of King Leonidas, I made a cake type basket.La people were amazed by so much vitality, they I won ... I was their king. Award Ceremony with wreath drink from the glass vial and the maid brought me and let me tell you: "I did "!!!. In this race I put mind, heart and legs or how our Brazilian friends told me RACA to the finish, and Paixao AMOR (Pride, love and passion). Let me tell you 'for that final
immortalized by hundreds of cameras was my thanks for all voi.GRAZIE YET. Ps
In recent months I enjoyed the festivities and I rested a bit 'andandomene on vacation in my Rio de Janeiro. Now, low profile, niente.Si not happen again for a new adventure ... NINE HILLS RUNNING
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What Happened Toi Nick Berry

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Ball Of Fluid On Dogs Chest
Finally! After a long, slow and hard road made of exercises, studies and calculations are able to live in full all my "dream." Could I begin by saying the placement, time or condition with which I came to this but there ' tempo.Vorrei is first established, however, something very important: Those who practice an extreme sport such as ultramarathons is prepared to risk of physical injury to the finish? I will, maybe it's crazy, but that's how! During the race I had to make a decision: cp to thirty-five, after one hundred twenty-four km, thirteen hours and thirty minutes of running and when it was still missing so much time at the end, the masseur noticing that the pelvis out of alignment I had told me that if I continued I ran some risk. This in a person with doubts and weakness could be a good excuse to leave, but I've decided to keep aware of the risks they run. A decision to head clear and not clouded by fatigue. I thought that if I wanted to make a run I would have simply went to the park, so the thought was to continue. Different matter if the doctor m'avesse stopped or had happened in training, in which case just to get to race day in good condition I would stop obtorto collo.Una time to run, however, I do not retreat at all. I wrote this should not be an example to anyone, even the advice I always give to others is that if there is a problem we must always stop to avoid worsening the situation ... as always, between saying and doing is half of the sea ... Granted everything I can now describe the thrill of a dream eleven months in preparation, which has taken shape along the two hundred forty-six kilometers of the route from Athens to Sparta, Pheidippides covered up and that has culminated after thirty-three hours one minute and a thirty-eighth and second in the second position of the Italians in the race. These are the numbers. It 's the twenty-September, the day before leaving for Athens, I went to Milan by his friend Mark and his family that are among my most ardent fans. I turn the phone el'oroscopo says: "You are preparing for a great debut? The tension grows as is normal, manage them and enjoy a memorable moment of life." These things generally do not believe, however, when you're really going to live a "Dreams", read these words will be an additional emotional charge, moreover, as they say "it's not true but believe it." I'm loaded like a spring and tell everyone to be convinced of winning the race. Motivation and belief in my ability is very high. Arrive in Athens and the first person I meet is good Poponesi Philip, the legendary Popof, nice guy. I start looking Maritati of his friend James who is waiting for me for some time, take a taxi to the hotel and in the meantime deepen understanding while I eat almost all of the sweet almond paste that is offered me. Talking with him I see that now is a good person and very calm and in addition it has also a very strong motivation within themselves. London you get here and it seems to have been there from the countless times I had seen the videos of previous years. ... I was living the "dream" IN A FILM GIA 'Vista, a strange sensazione.Tantissimi athletes from all parts of the world greet each other more in languages \u200b\u200bthat meet them 'after a year, I think a meeting between old school friends. Meanwhile, I register, they give me the chest and the heart starts to beat faster. I look around and there's other Italians, and then we present the usual jokes about the intentions of the race. At one point she left them stunned: "I?? GUYS HAVE COME HERE TO WIN!" Does anyone really believe it at the end. Give us the room, so take along with James posto.La my precision leads me already to prepare the various envelopes and with the changes for the various cp few hours later I go down in the hall and I offer volunteer to be examined before and after effort to a study that some researchers are doing, so I control the pressure, I do blood tests and see the heartbeat. Meanwhile, the athletes get so plentiful and I seem to be on the tower of Babel, and 'everything's great. I look around and think, "THESE ARE NOT MILES DUECENTOQUARANTASEI stop." I take a walk outside the hotel to see the weather conditions that do not promise anything good, the temperature drops suddenly, and at this point that I take a decision then will be crucial for the success of the race. I'll be back in the room and picks up an envelope, the k-way that is intended for a resting spot along the route. "Tomorrow WITH THIS LIFE TOGETHER AROUND THE WAIST," I tell myself. And now the evening meal is eaten together with all athletes in the barracks as they are all in a row and then sit at tavoli.Veniamo cheered by the sleight of Philip, his joy is contagious and our tables there is always a lot of people. And in the afternoon, however, I notice one thing and that there are many Nordic athletes who drink gallons of beer as if it were water ... mah?? Pre-race morning, you put everything in boxes to be sent to various points along the way, have breakfast and while I know a bit 'with everyone, especially with our Brazilian friends. I have the honor to speak with the legendary Valmir Nunes, ultra marathon runner who won Brazil's toughest races that every thing in my Portuguese Rio. In the days to follow will be his official translator when there are the nice couple Papi. The day runs quietly in the afternoon's meeting with the organizers to explain a bit 'of things. It is evening and dinner together. The night before an event like this should be serene, you should rest well but ... downstairs are having a party and the music comes right up to our room, the problem is not that because I was still resting, but the shouting Andrea sleeping in the room with us. The legendary DART perhaps taken from the tension, nervousness or bitten by a tarantula starts to rant and go on like this for a few hours from when it does not take the mattress and goes in the bathroom to bed ... but not at 2 km to 2 meters from where it was before, barks a little, then for peace for all s' sleep. Wake up at 4 for me, breakfast tea with honey and toasted bread and then starting at 6 for the center of Athens, the Acropolis from where you start. Usual usual photo, the flags of most of the world are present, is a collage of colors ... It 's a wonderful thing. I put myself in line at platoon of athletes and I see that there is also what eventually will be the winner, the great Ivan Cudin a boy whose humility is directly proportional to its size. It's seven o'clock and I are part of the group close and Ivan, we exchange a wolf and then take everyone away on his way. I was not surprised to see the athlete from Friuli in the queue because it was he who advise him. The first few kilometers down, the city wakes up, people still go to work sleepy encircle the long snake that winds through the streets of the capital of Greece. On my way to tell the truth, already the lowest of about thirty seconds per km on that provided I'm in a group without any problems. Philip Luciano and run and catch up a bit 'set. Stop for physiological Popof and I still go, of course are the first kilometers. Reach the group of Brazilian friends that goes together slowly, m'aggrego them and we get to chat a bit '. I realize But the pace is slow and shooting them a bit 'after a hundred meters off. At this point we say goodbye and I'm blessed quiet and peaceful on my way. The miles will follow the time goes and everything is ok. The landscape changes, the city is passed to the industrial hub ... ugly?? Macaroni! My calculations on the refreshment I see that are wrong, are clearly lagging behind what I had calculated, but I do not even try to recover Shot down and even go on like this without problems, so I know I'll get to the finish. Reach James, do a bit and then the elastic detachment. Caramel meeting on a climb and pitch too. The sun is up, I see the sea and are alone and this gives me an inner peace that only the Tibetan monks may have. After a while, from a distance, I see the silhouette of Henry slowly, and I know who suffer much moisture and it will withdraw from them recently. Mentally, my first stop is at Corinth, I'm always alone and I go very well. On the way up before you get close to see an American guy walking and I ask him if he had problems, he says he walked the climb and then resumed, and continued going forward. After a while I reached this athlete, begins to exchange jokes and meanwhile surrenders in Corinth, we take pictures and go on. This guy has a special technique that is running for fifteen minutes, then I walk an hour and stops to do some stretching. Always have a bottle of water and wonder how I have no. Once in a CP requires me to take one but it is too heavy so I empty two-thirds of the content and then will supply more and various refreshments. The clock is ticking and I food with a gel every hour and drink coca cola or tea and water at several stops in the various cp c'incita American family, have now become my supporters and is also a real pleasure. At a certain point I tell Harvey to go because I had to change my socks, I do not see again ... .2 days later at breakfast, I will say that he had retired because night of the flood. We are in the afternoon, the city, the sea has given way to vineyards and the departure of that snake now only a vague memory, you see only small groups, is now full run. The more it goes on and also remains an aura of vineyards in the memory, now is the whole country even if used to open dump, with dead animals at the foot of the road that anticipate our pace, sometimes coming back from the traces of past civilizations was and that made me understand what was ancient Greece. In the various towns where people transit makes me feel its warmth, sometimes popping and kids asking for autographs. The route is all ups and downs that leaves no breathing and it is much harder than I had seen in movies, and I thought, but that's okay. It approximates the evening, the temperature drops dangerously, a little 'tired of peeps, but go ahead. A few drops of water coming down. "Damn right it did not take," I tell myself. Having miscalculated the race pace I spare much further. The darkness seems to have an octopus wraps its tentacles to me, I did not light I have nothing ... just the k-way I had expected I could be useful. The loose and I wear it, I fix a bit 'damp. After a bit 'cold and the rain starts to come down while I make extensive lower body temperature. Water I enter hooded raincoat, bath me and everything becomes difficult to resist but I am calm and go forward. I can help a criminal code that helps as an oasis in the desert going so save me. I ask for volunteers a night light, now the flood rages, however, another intuition saves me the race. I ask the athletes of the garbage bags and so do I, at first I make a hole for the head and arms and put up the second only a hole for your head and wear, so bound by ' I make a hole inside his head to let out light and resume running perfectly waterproofed. The rain shows no signs of quitting, I drink a cup of hot broth me back a little of that, the division while the other athletes are repaired by the storms. I get to a point where there is a drop-down dirt, a wash of water along the entire width and length, and no risk way because you do not see where support for the feet, the flow is the highest of my caviglie.Dopo a little rain falls but I do not divest the bags and raincoats. Arrival at cp thirty-four Andrea and I sat next to me says it will withdraw a resting spot. I ask him to join me, I will not leave him alone even though he knew that his condition may also cause damage to me. Call home, told of his intentions and I at this point is only a mile to the rest I leave because I'll have a massage. Check point thirty-five, one hundred twenty-four km race after thirteen hours thirty minutes of humidity and rain. I stop, I lie on a table and I do have a massage, at which point the officer touching the muscles of a leg tells me to get up for a moment because he wants to check something strange. "You have your pelvis out of alignment, it is risky , want to continue? "In all the quiet answer," YES !!!", because I think practicing an extreme sport I can get to caress and embrace death. Unlike the speech would have been if the doctor m'avesse ripped the chest, in that case I would have to accept the decision. Are now twenty and forty, and it seems the night is dark ... meanwhile begins to rain. I decided then to extend a bit 'to stop eating a nice plate of spaghetti, the digestion could not adversely affect my gait as I walked for about an hour even though at a quick pace. This will be the only hot meal solid food that I will send down in thirty hours of travel. Downpours alternating with brief sunny spells one after another, the various cp are exceeded. It 's still long ... but that's okay! Fatigue and tiredness are now my fellow travelers, however, are not heavy and oppressive, cohabit peacefully with them because I knew would come, accept them and they make me happy ... but company I'm in charge and I make them shut up. Long before the arrival at the steep mountain dirt road, it is very difficult, not an end. I reach many athletes, but this is not a problem for the cp me.Sono the foot of the mountain ... great drink and allotment. Start the dirt road that climbs the mountain and covers. It 's very dangerous. Slips, there are many athletes who stop turning because they perceive to be hung on the wall on a narrow street, accompanying them on the volunteers .. I fall twice, m'aggrappo stones and helps me Corrado, another friend Italian with whom after ten minutes of talking in English I find I have the same nationality. With great difficulty coming up, there refreshment take a sleeveless fleece that I had to bring them and start the descent. The road is wide, slippery, steep and with large stones set in gravel, if I get more speed and I do not stop down em'ammazzo risk of ruin, so much calma.Dopo a bit 'another pause a bit' longer and are achieved by a little group formed by Italian athletes only, it goes together, trying to keep up morale. So we get to laughing and joking cp fifty-two after twenty-three and a half hours of racing we are told that Ivan won the race ... the adrenaline goes up to the highest level, cry and sing the national anthem ... a really good time. We share all at once But the advantage on the closure of the next restaurant is gradually declining and has dropped just quaratacinque minutes. We wonder whether it made sense to continue to sink all, or to continue with their own forces. Paul is the one most in need at that time tells us to go, with great sorrow we leave to its fate, but will after a tremendous force that will take him to the finish. I continue with James and Philip, after a while 'even the athlete comes off the Umbrian and triathlete and I continue Puglia. A note of particular merit goes to James Maritati for the support he gave to Paul during the night, waiting on the mountaintop for a quarter of an hour, wiping the sweat and the rain it was quite motivating and moment by moment, step by step. JAMES GREAT !!!!! It runs really well with his friend in Puglia, but let's move on to the great reproach of the rush to tear. By now the sun is high and I still wear the night, her eyes seem to beg me to want to quit but I'm stronger than all. Cp sixty, I say to James that our paths diverge here because I change and I do have a massage minuti.Tanta losing about twenty people pass me and call back the ranking, I do not care that much. I get back together and quietly allotment from now ... a new and fantastic race. A nice downhill and then a lot of miles uphill where I seem to have two speeds more than all, review all the Italians and many other athletes. Seeing my all m'incitano prodigious pace, enthusiasm always takes me more. James still reach that says "Go, go, come on, you're doing great," I see him in trouble. I'm a few tens of meters with him trying to understand the situation, which unfortunately is critical. I talk to him tell him to the finish without him coming, I slow down and I hold her hand. As an older brother tells me to go and that he will arrive at the finish. With a heavy heart that distribution, the goal now is left is a twenty-five miles in normal conditions a breeze ... However, after two hundred kilometers is a little different. It's drizzling a little bit more and I get back in trim from rain. ... And now I see only goal while missing twenty kilometers, I stop and I shall have an advantage over massaggio.Il closing time of the next CP is huge and I can afford it, perhaps even exceeding long stay with the zelo.Mi reaches Popof and advice to him massaggio.Il a masseur at a certain point I have to the tibia at a point and makes me very badly, again with the fear that could happen to me a few minutes qualcosa.Dopo Philip is still behind me and tells me it's broken immediately because she was while massaging addormentando.Lui not keep my rhythm, I go ... it's a race dissolved and quiet flight down, up and slow down the pace on the straight is sciolta.Moltissimi athletes bent almost overcome by fatigue and overcome, many of the roadside looking for a little peace of mind. I'm almost at Sparta, the road is a long discesone full of twists and turns, I feel like a Formula One car that cuts all the corners looking for the best path, I have the chills, but this time it is not cold. Five kilometers from the finish begins to cry with joy, thinking of all the sacrifices made to all the people who had spurred on the path of preparation and my family ... thinking and weeping arrival at the penultimate cp, drink and see as always missing the last two miles and three thousand feet dining ... "Well there are less than four kilometers" and instead I tell myself when I see the last checkpoint instead of missing half a mile, two miles and one hundred metri.Non I lose heart. They are along a straight road followed by a baby in a bike that shows me the right way, sudden sharp bend to the right and down the street in front of me stands majestically in the distance and the beautiful statue of King Leonida.Smetto crying, and I waved the banner of Inter I enjoy silent and rapt that momento.La people applauded from the balcony, bars and restaurants I scream and I are having a party and the kids in m'incitano bicycle. There are two hundred and fifty meters to the finish, the drape is closed in a fist bianconerazzurro right in and start to urlare.Sono crazy, stands in the road a roar, jumping for joy, people m'osanna ... I won ... THEY ARE THE KING ARE THE SOVEREIGN OF SPARTA!. Jump up the steps leading to the statue's arrival in and jump with a leap even the last remaining instead of doing like all that caress your foot, do a dunk like basket.Ad are waiting for Henry and Andrea who complimentano.Fotografie Rite I take off my hat and my glasses and the Mayor surrounds the head with a laurel wreath, a young lady makes me drink from a phial. And 'The apotheosis. At this point I take the banner of Inter and lie down on the ground, I start posing as Paolina Bonaparte to the delight of all fotografi.Due the nurses bring me to the medical tent, I collect the blood pressure control and then I take off shoes and socks to wipe my feet and see if there are blisters or nail going badly ... wonder if any of ciò.Mi I want something to drink and I tell him: "While you're well take me a mega sandwich" ... Because I'm their king accontentato.Mi come immediately put in a taxi and go to the hotel, a nice refreshing shower and I lay in bed a little . I am an oven, flushed look like a source of much calore.Dopo some roads go in to wait for the other amici.Con my enormous satisfaction are one of the few without any problems and I walk well, many others have all my freshness problemi.Di I have to thank Vincenzo Esposito, who is my coach, really great! But now I want to remember the tragedy of Max, who sports two kilometers from the finish we have seen the pectoral tear because the judges out of time ... after two hundred forty-four km absurd, but it is the regolamento.Un big applause goes to the two Italian friends who have taken el'hanno led to the finish line holding him, the courts and people have still paid tribute to all the honors and also at the evening gala was called to the stage ... It 'HIM THE WINNER ... GREAT MORAL MAX. A curiosity, the first three finishers Italian Cudin namely, me and Poponesi, we are all born on the fifteenth February ... there is a reason '... In the evening, along with James and then we go to celebrate riposare.La morning after a nice walk downtown, pick clothes from the various check points and in the evening we go to celebrate the victory of Ivan at the restaurant which is so close to the Philip and I when we arrived we hit the base of a pole as if it was the foot of King Leonidas ... understood the irony?? Monday morning in a little beach and in the afternoon with a nice trip dining out, where the dinner was not only "out" but a little tutti.Serata with prizes for all entrants and cena.Ad a point in the evening all of us Italians go up on the steps of the arena that hosting with the tricolor in his hand and sang the national anthem. is a triumph, all the coaches and athletes from all over the world there applaudono.MOMENTO EMOZIONANTISSIMO AND WE ARE ALL WITH tears in his eyes. Not only are athletes we ran this fantastic race but also the escorts George, the father of Philip, Valentina, the companion of Paul, who was moved when we did the compliments to his partner for having found the strength to get to the finish, the Emily , wife of Alexander ... well done voi.Concludendo also say that it was a great experience, a wonderful avventura.Voglio thank my family, my coach, my company Reggio's Event and all the friends who shared with me this gioia.In many called me crying saying that Athens had made life of the very strong emotions, many have been attached to computer for steps at checkpoints at night, they fear for me and many were the messages on Facebook.Nei days after his return to Italy was all a festeggiamento.Arrivato in Reggio Emilia are now leaving for Rome where I have received three very good friends, two of them also runners.Gli ultramaratoneti, in the world, Mauro Firmani Gianluca Adornetto and (in many marathons are the pacers) have welcomed me, hugged and the tears ran down his face continued to thank me, Mauro has run me down and even shined shoes, Travelling to the Termini station did not understand and were esterrefatti.Siamo went to the bar in front and we took many pictures with the medal and the plaque with people watching us more and more amazed. LORD I AM THAT I THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUFFERING you have shown me. Immortalized by that URL HUNDREDS OF PHOTOGRAPHERS AND THE GOAL 'THAT THE CRY FROM THE DEEP OF MY HEART WANTS TO GET IN ANYWHERE YOU ARE AT THIS TIME. THANKS AGAIN. For now, though low profile, nothing happened, a bit of rest, vacation in Rio de Janeiro and then again for another adventure ... "NINE HILLS RUNNING"
Christmas Decorations For Red Neck
Lake Chatelgiron is quiet, no rippling waters, the ducks at the first light of dawn take off popping up from behind huge aquatic plants. There is an eerie silence. There is more deafening noise of silence in his ear used to the lanes of the city. The cliffs on a storm tide are gray and jagged, as if an angry god had calmed down, striking with a hammer the whole cliff. Around us narrow paths between wild heather and holly. No cry of gulls that dawn had not yet taken off, no noise except our human trampling on the ground, only the sound of the surf, the sea on approach that increases its range. The sky's veins alabaster. The sun is hidden. In the distance you can see the island of Ouissant timid, unattainable with the sea in these conditions. A sail is a rash and sore kisses water. Not far away, in a small Breton village is a small pond surrounded by birch trees. Although it is clearly visible from the road is almost always deserted. It 's a rare day of sunshine and it's nice to let heat from the sun after the rain all day. The land is dry, the lake to lick a myriad of flowers and aquatic plants with bright colors - purple predominates over all. Every time I look at shows so nice to come home with so many projects in my head, like many good intentions to care more about the garden and grow a small vegetable garden. Last year I was able to have a small production of tomatoes and lettuce cutting that fed the whole family all summer. I think I saw go for the first time, a blue dragonfly. Already imagine the return load of melancholy and dissatisfaction for not having lived more intensely in the days of late summer places so magical.
http://www.oceane-alimentaire.com/ the economic survival of the Breton fishermen against the massive influx of cheap imported fish.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Shooting Pain Down Neck
September 21, 2010, 10:15 am, railway station Reggio Emilia.
thousand voices, many dialects, a myriad of different languages \u200b\u200blive in the air around the bench on the sidewalk near the track 2.C 'is that some people, people who expect others arrivano.Tutti go to a someone or a something each of them knows and is master of his own destino.Mattinata with the sun embracing all present in close soffocante.Lui But the star was shining very different intentions, from its privileged position seems to smile and instead wish a wonderful day. This just seems to capture solar energy to embrace a man, the apparent age of thirty, sitting there deep in thought with next to his bag with the words and musical notes that Italy from the i-pod headphones compagnia.Il take the laptop put it there, leaning on his knees waiting to be turned on, waiting his turn, he wants to become a leading player because he knows that in its memory contains a something important ... CONTAINS THE TALE OF SOGNO.Ciro Di Palma is called, has forty-first year and is dressed in a sport, it seems an athlete, maybe the mystery and.a the circonda.Attende the His train will take him to Milan, from there the next day, take a plane and fly to Athens, mythological land, mysterious and full of storia.Cosa going to do in Greece, is a mystery for the most 'Opens ... his laptop and start typing ...:" Finally we start! After more than a year since, looking for something special dell'ultramaratona linked to the world, I came across a site that spoke of a race very long named Spartathlon. "SPARTATHLON that name full of charm, redolent of history, has the flavor of something heroic and oozes with emotion," pensai.Da that moment I fell in love, fatal attraction! Beginning to wonder, "I think those who take part will be out of the ordinary people, the reasons will be special and maybe even a little megalomaniacal." At this point, exclaimed loudly: "I am one of them, I want to be a "SPECIAL ONE". It is so, that in a September day in late summer, muggy and humid as ever I promise that I will run all costi.Questa is the genesis of the adventure, the beginning of the "dream". beginning research: where you run, what time of year sees the light event, if you have other Italians partecipato.Trascorro hours to contact people, I read many articles, many blogs and the "thing" I appassiona.Come a spider spinning its web to trap the insects so I took this race slowly and then faster, until it became my dream. "I read very carefully all the news from the site and I notice that you must qualify, in short do before a certain path and then be accepted, "One difficulty in more," muttered subito.Per me, that I had run only up to fifty kilometers in the race, thinking of going through the gauntlet of a hundred kilometers from running in less than ten hours and thirty minutes I felt very discouraged arduo.Non absolutely full of enthusiasm and start to plan everything. "We must move from one hundred kilometers to be there??, OK !!!". Top of various research, study courses, I look at times classifications ... "This is, no, maybe this", then the search ends with the choice ... 100 KM SEREGNO.Dalle my knowledge, been thorough, but are also aware that if I Lombard finish the race at around ten and a half hours which is the minimum to go to Greece, to complete a race in two hundred forty-six km, this is the distance to be covered in thirty-six hours, it would be very arduo.Mi ask myself, even before you start, the first goal, namely to run Seregno in about eight hours and thirty minutes. "Crazy!" Everything now is to convince and involve allenatore.Al my phone, just try to dissuade me but I'm very determined and how a river breaking its banks and the floods of data notizie.Il my enthusiasm is overflowing, I speak more than half an hour. In the end I honestly say, "Okay, but also a new thing for me as a coach, we try and experience. "I am happy knowing that I would wait for the months of hard allenamento.Ad October last year undertake the" long way ". It starts the day they still have the slight warmth of summer, I see the farmers with their tractors prepare their vineyards for the harvest, the colors of the countryside are gradually becoming, we are in autumn. Alexandria Ultrak marathon and marathon (48 km) one after another, the climate is cold, the fog starts to peep and with the rain begins to see himself become my constant companion during training. Arriva in December, "General Winter is upon us. Marathon and Marathon Reggio Emilia Calderara di Reno, where the heavy snowfalls have also changed the percorso.Tutto well and on schedule, at this time I gave much weight to the care of refreshments and clothing to be used in the race to start on January Seregno.Da specific program for the one hundred chilometri.Ormai climate is very different from October, it is hard, everyone has a different flavor, aroma diverso.A times after a snowfall seems to run on the clouds, during and after the rain became instead a boat at the mercy of the elements of nature, I think be a film.Durante out my "running" a few machines that are not stopping me offrino a passaggio.Fine January: Marathon of Peace River Lamone (Trail 48 km). Here I have the pleasure invited by his friend Henry to run side by side for much of the race with Andrea Accorsi that at one point he says: "I am convinced that you'll be among the one hundred to eight hours and a quarter past eight." I was amazed and happy at the same time from that 'assertion, but thought: "It' s gone mad !!!", instead PROFETICO.Con February and March was in full swing of preparation: 50 km on the sand in San Benedetto del Tronto, Verona Marathon, Marathon of Verdi's land and Marathon Piacenza.Mai had a problem, I jumped up to two training sessions in six mesi.Finalmente arrival to the last two weeks of training and unloading a little 'work fatto.Questa preparation, based on the slowdown in the rate that was used keep in marathon and duration of training, is coming to termine.Ho learned to treat the most of the details because I have found that the care of the details that you can in tutto.Niente can 'be left to chance, refreshments, race pace , change of clothes ... we need to minimize the margin of error, to be practically perfect in everything. In the meantime I got to know many people who have incited and continue to do so, the expressions of esteem are wasted. The people of the network is next to me and pushes me to always give meglio.Ho increased my wealth of knowledge on ultramarathons and I treasure the many, many tips that other athletes have given me they are out in Italy around .21 March arrives the day of the gara.Arrivo in perfect physical and mental conditions, the race tactics is printed in my mind, I just have to run ... With the invaluable help of his friend Mark, who follows me on a scooter and it will be a presence constant but never intrusive by my side, finished the race in eight hours and seven minuti.Dodicesimo absolute ... a triumph. To be honest not all that unexpected, because planned in detail and strongly desired! I remain of that race as well as good performance also remember the hugs of my friends Marco, Mauro and Alessia after finishing an indescribable feeling ... . The beautiful words of my coach, my family and all friends give me the warmth that is lacking in one day dull as only knows Brianza offrire.La festival, with the final cake home of friends of Merlin complete the work. Thank you all, is his heart dico.La the first stone, perhaps the heaviest, was laid, awareness of being strong and self-esteem increases anche.Adesso are sure to be a "SPECIAL ONE", one of those "crazy" that armed with good will, a bit of madness and a lot of courage going out to conquer Sparta. Outlining the details for registration and other pending confirmation by the organizers, I can now say that no time was the longest stretch I was happy as a father who expects the first-born from his beloved woman ... the days go slow is marzo.Giusto the end of a couple of weeks for a physical and psychological recovery and plan the specific preparation for Spartathlon.Si tip now grow the conviction, to work on testa.Appendo at home, at work and in my gym staff of the paper with the logo of the race with "A year of hard work, have made it OTHER ATHLETES, AND YOU CAN DO IT TOO !!!". A couple of months of training to maintain a state of good form and then leave with the first weeks of special training luglio.E 'April, the weather is fine, the sun, the smile growing number of people who meet on the street while I train my heart and rejoice that gives me the push, the strength and the charge to watch forward with optimism ... ARE FELICE.Il April 25 I finish work at six in the morning and with my friend Dino, who will pick you go to Castel Bolognese: 50 Km di Romagna. I'm fine and I diverto.Di race comes the month of May: Marathon Custoza and 100 km of Passatore, we are now in the middle of spring, winter with its cold and distant and only a dim memory in my mind now already projected mesi.Entrambe ahead in the races are races total bene.La first in peace, so very easy and sciolto.Al Passatore but after a good start, maybe a little fast, I had to manage and overcome a crisis that lasted long thirty-two km and then run the last twenty-four miles below the 4'00 "but less ristori.Proprio the finish line of this event, and at one o'clock at night I had a minute of granite certainties on my willpower and my body." I'll make it '! I screamed just past the inflatable in Piazza del Popolo in Faenza.Giugno then in July, the summer, the days are getting longer, the city began to empty and the heat begins to be a major actor of giornate.Corro and I feel Lord of the street, meanwhile: Ecomaratona Ventasso, very nice and well organizzata.Dalla Greece still do not get news, I start preoccuparmi.S 'intensified calls to Henry who tries to calm me by saying that he still does not know when a niente.Fin morning in the Viking writes me a message: "Registration ok, I got everything." I go out to run a bit 'nervous but they return home from a distance I see an envelope that peeps from my mailbox, which seems to expect, I think call me screaming: "I arrivataaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I approach I take, almost caressing look where it comes from "Athens-Greece, opened it slowly, I taste those moments like you do with a good Neapolitan coffee early in the morning I carefully read, "You're writing with chest n.389." My enthusiasm reaches its peak, are felicissimo.Un cry, they feel even my sister who lives in five hundred feet from me, stands high in the sky, almost wanted him to leave before Greece and anticipate the arrival of Sparta.A this point, however, is born in me wants to be a "SPECIAL ONE" wants me to become "Immortal" that is not an active part and supporting actor in Greek land workouts .. I give reason, the body responds very well and my head all comforts, including the mental training to his work with the specific part frutti.Si: Rimini Golden Extreme Marathon, bad experience, but also draw an important lesson here concerns the 'alimentazione.Nella Romagna town they met Ivan, the best Italian ever to Spartathlon, it gives me very useful advice on how to address and manage the Hellenic race on earth and then it is extremely available in case I need to aiuto.Giunti in August now we enter the climax of the preparation: the Ecomaratona Valdarda, fantastic, very beautiful and evocative race race with perhaps a quiet eccessiva.Mi divertito.Siamo have come to September, the days get shorter, the morning begins to be more cool ... there is a small problem, something strange is a pain in the pelvis that I can pass easily. And 'the last month ... One day he calls me and asks me if Antonio Tallarita want to go to run a relay race of 112.3 km, with the last seventy miles up ... (we start from Lido Po 22m above sea level and arrive at Cerreto Laghi 1261m above sea level). She explains as this event, running from him for the entire year before, may be preparatory to Spartathlon.Mi consulting with my coach and after discussing a bit 'on the characteristics of the route, timing and other details that I can decide to participate. "UN SUCCESS ", I run all the miles and very brilliantly sciolto.Come life, also the preparation draws to a close last week and the number of kilometers, however, decreases in direct proportion to increases fear of hurting me ... would be a shame. But there's a thought that pain and is the pond that subtly, about a month, keeps me company ... I try not think about it. In the last week I received many phone calls and many messages from many persone.Adesso'm here on a bench in the station, I finish writing my emotions over the months trascorsi.E 'as rewind with rewind, relive all the emotions, all the states' s animo.Quante hours studying the course, view the movies on the net, to calculate the various rhythms to keep in the race, the times of arrival at the various checkpoints so as to bring own refreshments and various cambi.Mamma my many sacrifices sacrifices!. People went to the sea and the mountains and I correvo.Andava correvo.Andava I do picnics and I correvo.Andava on vacation and I correvo.C 'and I was the sun and I correvo.Nevicava correvo.Diluviava and I correvo.Natale, Easter, New Year and I correvo.Non I am sorry indeed do it again because I did it with love, passion and dedication! Eleven months have passed, I consumed 11 pairs of shoes, I ran about 6500 km and I missed two training sessions around the periodo.Ho awareness of 'you have done everything perfectly and I can not blame niente.Il Time has taught me that in this race over legs and head are two other factors that make a difference, I am calm and I learned to have PAZIENZA.Io and BE MY ALLEATI.Durante use them ... all this time many people have endured and supportato.I two martyrs are my coach, always ready for dialogue at any time of day and my sister's family Rita.Con my odd hours for training I made them go crazy behind Starmie between lunch and dinner ... but they are my first tifosi.Chi supported me? Many, many people forget that almost certainly, what I regret and I scuso.La my company, Reggio's Event which sponsored my trip and I always told my coach to fianco.Già Vincenzo Esposito, a grande.Antonio Tallarita , my discoverer who live in Reggio Emilia has been my lighthouse, my mark in the "mare nostrum" of preparazione.Tutti Facebook friends, great and always ready with kind words to cheer for me, following me in all my adventures ... FANTASTICI.Sono sure I can do well and I am conscious of being forte.GRAZIE ALL ... Meanwhile, the pain in the pelvis ... ... 11.40 am from the speaker's voice announces the station the train for Milan, we see that Cyrus looks up from the monitor, close the laptop and prepare for partenza.VAI SAMPLE AND HAVE FUN, I'm a fan TE.SIAMO convinced that there DELUDERAI.MIGLIAIA LEGS OF RACE WITH YOU, heart palpitations HUNDREDS OF YOU TO OUR INCITEMENT push you '. CONQUER SPARTA!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Muteki Da Sony Ht-ddw
To satisfy certain types of thirst some people are prepared for anything.
No matter how long you want to thirsty sooner or later the stimulus ends. There will always be new needs that can not satisfy the thirst and grow and everything will remain unfinished. There will always be new ideas but not because of their commitment to appropriate the ideas of others remain in a corner and stir. Dry and uninterested in their true nature hidden like snakes among our dearest friends.
The spirit that dwells in those fertile bodies of all envy is destined to vanish.
Everyone lives within their own comfort zone, more or less colorful but sooner or later each of us will emerge and will look out and moments of terror, moments of terrible real life.
baffles me the contrast between this apparent by all the world as rational thought and a body full of need, complexity and contradictions.
The tragedy in recent years become one occasion, though still little used, to reflect on the fragility, loneliness and the limits of human nature beyond any circostanza.Cosa happened to the reality of our lives? Humanity is not something that man but it is something that man should fight every time to possess
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Kre-alkalyn With Alcohol
"from herons to eagles" may seem a novel out of the pen "adventurer" of the writer Wilbur Smith is actually a particular track event relay which connects, as they say in Reggio Emilia, "the Low Apennines. "This event promoted by Giuliano Maini, president of Running Biasola, with the collaboration of Uisp specifically intended to unite symbolically the end of the province of Reggio Emilia from north to south along this path (of return) that" mountain, towards the middle of last century, performed after coming down to walk with their animals full of chestnuts to be exchanged for wheat and sand, the latter helping to build their abitazioni.Quest 'years, responding to the great Antonio Tallarico, National twenty-four hours and only to have it fully running, I joined, of apprima with some hesitation and then with growing enthusiasm this event which saw among the starters other world class athletes in dell'ultramaratona. People who do not need presentation, however, is right, proper and respectful name it: Andrea Accorsi, among other good writer, winner of twenty twenty-four hours a week of racing in Germany; Barchetti Monica, one hundred kilometers of national, who is returning from injury and that he needed to put miles in his legs; Vedilei Enrico, former international, who was also a "character" nothing wrong with its more than three hundred calls "ultra" in the legs, Antonio Tallarico, National briefcase, decorated to the latest World and European where he also improved its self on distanza.I my doubts about participating in this event were due to the fact that he could not leave residue can be easily absorbed in the mind and legs on a race I will take two hundred forty-six km in less than a mese.Dubbi then chased from having talked to my coach, and with Tallarita Vedilei who have much more experience than me and most have already run the event for which parteciperò.Alla end I am convinced that in a group run at a pace not much faster for my royalties for the right but could be a good Spartathlon test.La special time of departure, the 00.00, then fed the curiosity and fascination increased This traversata.Prendere off into the night, through the various countries while everyone is asleep, seeing the sun rise behind the Bismantova, mentioned by Dante in one of his most famous writings is a very coinvolgente.L 'adventure departs on Friday afternoon at the home of Tallarita ultramaratoneti where they gather and where there is organization of a van to take him to the streets in Bentivoglio Gualtieri.Serata full of good humor and a great pasta party. Get a little 'photos with the Assessor and a few local television cameras by Peter margins which goes a special thanks for his work always accurate and that margins will be with us professionale.Lo along the route ready behind a corner, above a low wall, lurking behind a hill with his camera to capture the highlights of the race, our tired faces and our smorfie.Verso the twenty-three and fifteen will set off for Lido Po, a town that will see the start of the race there in that beautiful women go to nightclubs and the mosquitoes eat us alive that we start the usual pre-race rituals and fill the flask of water from the Po and then the arrival Cerreto would have drained into lago.Scocca midnight, the dark see the light a new day full of energy and full of speranza.Parte staffetta.Tutti in the group, compact in the direction of Reggio Emilia, there is so much fun, we laugh at jokes Fabio friend's (the other athlete who will run the entire route), we talk about everything ... The night is long. The first refreshments follow each other, the first few hours pass quickly and the group of departing coaches on some salt before returning to competition after a few kilometers or some ora.Stiamo to arrive in Bologna Lentina when I come off a touch, I stop the ambulance, put it back up and recover the lost ground compared to altri.Si arrive in Piazza Tricolore, in the city center, we ride around the spectacular new fountain with its water colored by the lights makes the night cupa.Di less travel from the center you arrive in Piazza Prampolini, home to the town of Citta 'Tricolore.Qui of a man lying on the ground next to his bike with his eyes wide open is immersed in his world, who knows what he thinks ... We go from the heart of the city and we bring to the periferia.Rivalta, Puianello, Vezzano on Crostolo.Mi realize that there is no longer my friend Henry, unfortunately had to retire because of high humidity and that I was sorry veramente.Gli encounters with strange characters continue, three young men in street clothes off you go to our prejudice in underwear and barefoot run about three hundred yards along with us with their girlfriends photographed smiling and taking it all .... Well ???!!! The road from the city was uphill starts to become more dura.Mi wrap on my headphones, listening to my music and singing my songs maybe even bother giving it to someone. Darkness and silence enveloped the streets, the same way that when we drove along the light of days seem to have another dress, seem to tell me other things, seem to end più.Passano the miles, the athletes take turns in the race, still resist the course of five that have all chilometri.La Monica decides to stay a bit ', it is right so, will return later to run the hardest part of the course and will be a real pleasure to see you climb very well on these curves is coming back ... PIU 'FORTE DI PRIMA.La night now is to leave space at dawn. You get to Casina, the slopes become very "sharp" for the slope, the length and also by the number of miles corsi.Andrea already decided to stop at this point a bit, 'he resumed with the most difficult part of tracciato.Un couple of times I tempted to stop and then resume later, but friends make me refrain from doing so and I avanti.Ormai the sun is high and another good character we meet a guy ... kneels in front of us with a beer in his hand and yells at us "you guys so much esteem", in my estimate more than the bottle in his hand. It also stops Antonio for a problem that affected him since time, he will return later with sandals instead of a restaurant from which scarpe.Arriviamo'll start out again in only four, the rise does not end mai.Qui I realize that the support of the left foot is not equal to the right, something wrong, try to understand if the cause of the road may be bumpy, some muscle "that goes on about his business" or no longer in the basin asse.Stringo teeth but do not give up, I set a goal at every turn and then finally away from the new restaurant, I reached him and I drink my cup of tea followed by another sparkling water as opposed to Fabio who eats everything including the pizza he brought from home. You are in riparte.Ormai Cervarezza, also have returned friends who were first arrested, is again a good group, a little 'and here we are suffering ... Busana you arrive in downtown Collagna where we trust the local exchange saluti.Da hereafter c' only to arrive at 1230 meters Cerreto laghi.La road with its hairpin turns that tighten the mountain in a suffocating embrace, seems to be our enemy, along with Tallarita the run without walking slowly però.Giuliano Mainini who raced less miles of us and then slows down very often fresher and joins us, encourages us and gives us information on the presence refreshments .. its really important at this point of the path. We arrive at another restaurant, the other Athletes who are stopped and have now realized that I addeti Fabio and we will applaud us and encourages us all to run. It 's all very bello.Ripartiamo last pit stop and we arrive ... "Now over the pass is" someone says, well if top of the hill is to make two more miles uphill and then three hundred yards straight, then we top of the hill, but 'how strange brow, ahahah.Mancano hundred meters to the finish, we bring Fabio and I leading the pack and pass the finish line between the happy feast general and in the streets you hear my cry liberatorio.A this point to storm the final refreshment, drink a little 'and a few minutes after I eat half a pie, fruit and the many biscotti.Tra that make me compliments, many ask me a question: "You have over one hundred and twelve kilometers and three hundred meters away without ever eat, you just drank, how did you do?" I have dwelt too much in response to the question I simply said that it is usual in fact there are scientific facts behind and very long by a system spiegare.Mi po'il look, and then immediately release un'interivista television at the restaurant for lunch insieme.All all 'inside of us is given a local diploma with the location and the number of mileage here and I thank his friend Fabio tutti.Si ends with greetings to friends and returns home with the knowledge of having done a bell'allenamento and that the work done to date is perfect in the time and manner and what I can only thank my coach Vincenzino Esposito.Fisicamente I finished the game well, I got to try the gel that I will use 'in Greece and who are really Booster utili.Vorrei remember that the organizers adhere to a proposal by Andrea Accorsi have donated part of the proceeds all'AISLA, Italian Association of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and this was a very nice gesture!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Plan B Should Not Be Banned
After several days of rain that has swept across northern Italy in the period up to the eve of August, I went to Morfa, a town in the province of Piacenza, conscious of not finding a "plot" ecomaratona very favorable for a safe but you can make a good workout anyway .. It's five o'clock in the morning is very early, but you can already see the clouds that blacks do not promise anything good and a few drops of rain makes its appearance on the windshield of macchina.Comincio then asking if I'd done the right thing in taking part in a race which, shamefully, I knew relatively little if not only the altitude and race only allenarmi.Ormai there ... I'm going! More 'I approach the Emilian town nestled in the Val D'Arda, and more' the sun rises brighten up the colors that surround this part of Italy, cliffs, valleys and small villages along the way ... one another are alone, no, no Speed \u200b\u200bcameras (quite hidden). Finally, toward six forty arrival at destination, the country still wrapped in his sleeping quieteche from them a few minutosarà pleasantly interrupted by the voices and footsteps of a hundred and fifty atleti.In a school gym, which overnight accommodation is served to the athletes come from more 'far, there is the withdrawal of the chest and packages gara.Tutto takes place very quickly ... I do believe I am the first! The square, the heart of this village, began to throb more 'rapidly awakening from its slumber and night ... start living a new day with all noi.Una detour to the bar for a coffee, a quick read of the newspapers, chat with friends and a bit ' Heating deceive the expectation that brings us to partenza.La church bell with her eight strokes reminds us that now is missing half an hour to start. The speaker invites everyone to the punch and bring along the inflatable partenza.Si laughing, joking, but at some point the voice from the speaker asks us our attention to an important communication on the route warning against the presence of a lot of mud especially in the second part of the track, so we can be more 'prudenti.Ore eight-thirty, you parte.Un around the town on paved surface and then the dirt starts, you ford a stream and begins to rise. The scenery is constantly changing, forest paths give way to paths rock, even asphalt, rocks, grass ... all of it to cover the entire distanza.E 'all so wonderfully affascinante.Fotografi scattered along the route of the race immortalize our deeds, our faces so busy in some places but permette.Arrivo the carefree when the road to a point where even walking has become difficult to view the slope very strong, almost m'arrampico. I turn briefly to see if there fossequalcuno more 'fast in order to "give way" and I realize that they are on a wall hanging made of rock and grass, almost all in the air and down the valley ... A show of breathtaking and more 'I look around and more' rest estasiato.Io who are not accustomed these scenarios, for me that when I train my eyes focus only one language and one line biancache asphalt off the road is a "breath of heaven." In the middle of the wall that I can not get my camera and fix those that come attimi.Aspetto another athlete and I ask him politely if he can 'take a picture, and made me forever presence in that picture stupendo.Arrivo point more' up and find a cross, which is also not immune to my goal this fotografico.In series of shots I lose a few minutes. "But what do you want to be compared allimmensita '" I dico.Da here a road-only rock, very steep, slippery and it makes me strettache capireche begins to chant the "Cima Coppi" (using a term cycling) dell'ecomaratona. Ok, it starts the descent, but that does not mean that they are finite salite.Adesso the scenario that appears in front of me is made of one rock, one distraction could be fatal but it is too bello.Si runs a hundred yards along the ridge of the mountain and again rocce.In my help, though, here are the strings attached to me by nails in the rock climbing, holding on to the cable ... I get off that rock avventura.Dalla boschivoe it go to a path going down 'that is a pleasure, But at some point because I must stay between me and the path there is a fence with the wire. "We can not climb over the gate, I wondered, and so I take a road parallel but that 'at some point ends up being and this deviation, I realize I'm strada.Intelligentemente back off and look behind. "It will take someone, I hope!" It 's my friends pensiero.Qualche minutes after arriving degl'altri-athletes who tell me to get over, "Why is it" repeated in chorus . That said, I throw fatto.Mi giu'lungo the path, feet and legs already muddy with increasing mud s'impasticciano more and more 'and I bring with me a burden for some wet feet from chilo.I' early lead with them yet another problem and that is when the earth is more support for 'long is the onset of cramps, but that' taking over now I can get so that the situation normalizzi.Bene, keep it up!! ! There are, on the way, only small languages land emerging from the small swamps on which you can pass, or when there are even these have to stay on board, helping with the trees, almost aggrappandomi.Riprendo speed, and speed decisions are taken in a moment, especially where is difficult if not impossible to curb the slancio.Arrivo at a point where I decide in a split second to jump to avoid getting bogged down, mistakes were never more 'fatale.Il landing spot then I would have served to disconnect automatically again , cede.Vado in until mid-leg, just my reflexes, my training and my agility to help me stay in balance and to ensure that the leg is not free spezzi.Superata also continued this pitfall in my incedere.Poco later, because of a lash of a branch I realize I have an Achilles tendon pain, and I fancy fastidioso.Solo eventually find out after the shower to have a bruise approximately three to four centimeters and a plug conficcata.Vado, I run anyway happy in the company of my i-pod (I know that you can not'...), my head is light as we have become the legs. Arrival at the restaurant, well-stocked as any on the other hand, and the boys tell me they are the thirty-chilometro.Mi stop a bit, drink, joke with the kids, take some pictures with the flag of Inter and meanwhile comes first woman with three other athletes, all very simpatici.Si all together again, we talk a little bit because, the path, which is now an expanse of grass regularly, the permette.Siamo in a "sea green" and do not see but a stone mortem on track, so we walk about forty meters before realizing of being wrong, retrace our steps and before you point out in the right direction to blow the whistle to draw attention to another athlete who has not noticed the error. Now there are only ten kilometers, those who are more 'accustomed to me this type of racing going on, so giustamente.Arrivo the last four kilometers and the alternation between asphalt, where I'm going down 'to splinter and I take those that were gone and the slippery dirt track, where I have to stop the race, it becomes more 'regolare.E' own this series of surfaces, this sudden change of style of racing that causes me some problems in the muscles of the rear cosce.Ad a mile from the end come the cramps in both legs but that 'with intelligence, luck and experience can manage, slowing a little and physical relaxation and also mentalmente.Ultimi quecento five meters of road, over a couple of other athletes, turn ninety degrees to the right, fifty meters uphill again, I pull out my banner White Inter and cross the finish in 4h49'10 happy in the twenty-fourth position. "Medal, souvenir photos and many risate.Arriva the first woman that she too had my own football faith calls me to be taking pictures together with the bandiera.Bell 'atmosphere, all contenti.Mi take off my shoes and throw them away, but expect to buy for this type of special events and do not use more of' those training consumed and not to feel that old feeling to drive the car fast on the ice without catene.Ritiro bag, shower and even a nice pasta party.Qui sorpresa.Ditemi what do you think you had a choice of penne and risotto, polenta with mushrooms and between polenta with gorgonzola, fried squid, meat, french fries to follow ending with ice cream or strawberry mousse, water or wine for those who desiderava.Il afternoons spent waiting for the awards and chatting with friends Santo, Federica Amedeo.Quelle and black clouds that had been my first vision and concern of the early morning peek at the Casali Morfasso.Decido so that it is time to resume the van and come back down 'to Morfasso.Ancora time for a coffee with a friend known in advance and then casa.Cosa car to this day I have left? Surely the memory of a beautiful experience, the vision of beautiful scenery, the certainty of having done a good workout and contentment of being in the company of many friends that day by day increase more more '. I hope that my enthusiasm show through the reading of my story and can get to those people who shamefully snubbed just because this race is run in August, preferring long queues on the motorway and stress ombrellone.L 'last thoughts, as always, I address organizzatori.Li to thank, first of all and tell him to continue so that the road taken is to improve giusta.Devono to me only three things to become perfect :
1) In a couple of points, despite the reported location was good, some athletes have sbagliati.MIGLIORARE REPORTING IN CRITICAL POINTS (you know);
2) Why not mark every five kilometers maybe? It would help us athletes, we can not regulate or restaurants rightly given the particular characteristics may not be perfect;
3) Why to pay five euro for the shuttle? Find some sponsors, I do not think there is need a large amount.
Ps These three points, I must be honest, the organizer said in a comprehensive manner in the mail that he sent me after receiving my note with thanks to those already annotazioni.Posso 'say that next year will be even best.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Nintendo Point Generator
not always and often as I can 'tell of a race run in a brilliant, smooth and organized the perfezione.Quando happens the opposite is also just to have the humility, courage and honesty to tell you to criticism can serve as a spur to do better and this applies to me as an athlete and for the organizers of the marathon Golden manifestazioni.La 4 ^ Rimini was extreme, from Physically, my worst race I've ever had and also from an organizational perspective has revealed several lacune.Partiamo start trying to understand the genesis of my debacle, but this' should not provide a justification or serve as a alibi but must be the starting point, a point from which to start trying to understand, analyze the error made in such a way that it does not perpetuate futuro.Sveglio in the morning at four o'clock to go to work and after eating pasta and a ham sandwich around thirteen, I go, train to Rimini, where land is' the manifestation of the 5th placed within 100km Rimini extreme in recent years has always been the great winner Ivan Cudin.Mi dare open a bracket on Ivan boy always available and generous with advice to those who so requests, always humble, despite both a champion and always smiling despite the physical problems that afflict the recently closed ... parentesi.Arrivato in Rimini, at 17 o'clock, waiting for my friend Claudio from Milan, eat cookies and drink a Coke (first mistake ever not to be repeated more'!!!). We go to the new marina where there is' the center and the entire marathon organization, we collect the bib and race packet quickly (finally a shirt the right size ... well done), respond to our questions clearly and with a gallant and then those who want to rest a little 'can do it on the deck made with regards disposizione.I old friends, we seem to become a traveling circus, you know ... all jokes, photos, laughter and comments make the atmosphere even more 'pleasant and fill the air and waiting for the partenza.Arriva 'now the pasta party ... late and low, so that the complaints of some of the athletes we are given an additional round. From every corner of the lovely Denise comes out with his camera ready to capture the moments, scenes 'funny, the most' original, say the truth 'if there should be invented!. At about 21:30 you can go in procession to the arch of Augustus, nearly a walk a couple of miles to get to the departure. ... Now we start at 22.00 after the start, even after a minute travel, I see to have stomach problems ... damn! Having to do a workout and started to quietly run a marathon known that there are some very strong athletes on the distance but we are all more 'or less the same level, then I do a little thought to the victory, while promising' that I would take into account ' hypothesis only if it had been continuing in the first half positions maratona.Raggiungo suffered a great group of athletes, the pitch and 'smooth, quiet and are among the first ... bene.Ristoro the fifth mile, as always take a glass water, I lose a few seconds but that 'now recupero.Ristoro the tenth mile, here I make another big mistake, I do not notice,' cause not I am told that I was taking the glass that there were salts, which make me feel bad and not the water alone or te.Ormai but 'it's late, I already' knocked out 'and the bang is accomplished by adding another piece to my gastrointestinal discomfort intestinale.Verso the twentieth mile, I think, there is a drop-down, a gust of cold wind ... a block, and will start throwing up 'for another six so that I spoke of what volte.Pensare 'with Ivan just before departing, I had warned about the problem of Spartathlon ... invaluable advice as a beacon of' treasure 'cause I gave them to him and because I now know what the weather and now empty significhi.Passa path a bit 'in the company of a friend is toscano.Purtroppo night, share rooms and start to have freddo.Mi spend many, there are those who recognize me and encouraged me, but whoever is lost in his corsa.Arriviamo pero 'four kilometers from the finish and at the foot of a pretty steep climb is taken by a motion of pride and start to run faster and with regularity, as if nothing had happened, beyond a dozen athletes arrive at the finish of the marathon stanco.Buono not so much about the rest. Here again, however, 'an organizational flaw ... . It is not possible to wait for a few hours exhausted athletes in a small, cold and without this no doccia.No! Finally I would like to list more things that I liked are:
1) The miles marked badly and hardly visible;
2) The elevation profile that we had been given did not correspond to reality ';
3) The route was not marked in some places clearly, I have witnessed the arrival of 100km of athletes who came from different paths and not talking about athletes who traveling in the rear (with all due respect) but I also speak of who 'came in the top ten.
4) The restaurant was the final 100km Scarsini;
5) The medal for the marathon finisher was written with the 100km Rimini
6) ranked in the 100km marathon athletes who have to get me when this 42.195 km was not specified in the regulation (and if I was the first race in it based on the color of the chest and then I realized the goal have arrived, as I know, second because 'one of one hundred kilometers had decided to retire? For what purpose then the numbers of different color?)
Anyway I hope that the organizers, as well as I did with my mistakes, we can draw some useful guidance for the future, so that 'the show will improve and then I will 'the first to applaud, to cheer and to tell about it! UNDER BOYS CAN' AND IT SHOULD BE BETTER, THAT IS FOR ME AND THAT IS FOR YOU, GOOD LUCK!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Funny Birthday Invite Titles
Only once, some years ago, I had run a race in nature, even if very short, about 8.7km time trial ... THE Ventasso. Experience, for the time, terrifying to me, that I had never had the opportunity to run a trail.Salite panic, runs away like crazy, bumpy, branches sticking out from everywhere, etc., so I promised arrival: "NEVER PIU'UNA such courses." For some time I lived up to my promise to run only on asphalt roads, most 'safe for my ankles and all the joints just for peace' to kick up a fund compact, without holes and surprises varies from natura.A But this year, 'things have changed a bit and to better prepare the stretch of dirt road up the steep climb after 154km of racing I will face the Spartathlon I decided together with my coach to change a little bit of support surface feet, participated in the cosi'ho Marathon of Peace River Lamone, 50km to the sand of San Benedetto del Tronto and therefore the inclusion of all'Ecomaratona Ventasso was a must, also because 'always positively reviewed by all and because it' which is only 50km from casa.Una good race where respect for nature is put in first place with the safety of the route and, indirectly, of atleti.Come always my arrival in the locality 'departure, in this case Busana, Reggio Apennines on the borders of Tuscany 'was very early' cause I like to see the advent of the people, preparation, attention to detail, "the organization that moves" so that everything runs smoothly intoppi.L 'air we breathe is more 'cooler than to that city s'inala giu'in ... finally there's 'the cloak of humidity' that always surrounds the valley floor Padana.Pian the square of the small town starts to fill with people, wear a bit of athletes with 'different from what we generally see in a normal marathon on the road ... you can see beautiful shoes for hiking, Nordic walking sticks, water bottles of various sizes, ecc.Anch' me for something other than the truth 't I have and that is 'a fanny pack, because having a rehearsal for the Spartathlon, this object will certainly be my faithful companion along the 246km race ellenica.Ci closer to the departure time, we do the punching and then the announcer reminds us that being an' ecomaratona, but this should always hold true, we have an obligation, I say also education, to throw bottles and empty glasses in the containers and then other important thing, to rescue people in trouble, 'I think this would always be desirable. 08:30 am ... SI PARTE.Un first lap of 11km around us wipe from the center of Busana then take the road to open before me Ventasso.Si very beautiful trails, you see streams, animals of various kinds , moving from small and old villages, moors and deep-sea ... 's all very special and beautiful for me used to the sheer asphalt of the city'. There are parts where the ride gives way to the path because of the steep slopes but that's okay 'cause I run into another size, as they are abducted from the circostante.C 'and mud, rocks, grass, let's say a fund sufficiently mixed and everything' makes me feel very focused to make sure that I do not play a bad ankle scherzo.Passano kilometers , the clock goes on but what 'I do not notice, do not ever accuse fatigue, which are now son so that vegetation affascinante.I refreshments always well stocked and managed by very friendly relieve our going up, up, almost touching the cielo.Si Calamone reach the lake, there 'a lot of people sunbathing, people playing with their children, many applaud and encourages us to our passaggio.Da then on, however,' the climb starts become serious, from the bottom you see a swarm of people who climbs up and goes to the Cross ... a fantastic show to watch. Look down 'and then' nothing short of breathtaking, despite some 'haze, you see the lake, valleys, mountains ... all a melting pot of wonderful colors that relieves Durazzo a long and slow to salita.Arrivo point more 'high, I pull out my flag and I do capture the Inter happy and contento.S' then begins to run on a mountain ridge, taking care, the grass down on the stones and then put to the test legs, athletes used to the trail going down 'as the animals of the mountains, so fantastic in their gait' sicuro.Piccoli sections of asphalt are an oasis for me, and unfortunately there are very few returns on dirt , There is a lot of mud and shoes as their feet do not recognize more ', but now lacks poco.Qualche hint of cramping the foot because they were wet, but' we must now walk avanti.Parecchi athletes, have given everything, I will run quietly, laugh, joke ... I leave the dirt and m'immetto on the descent that brings me to the finish, the change of surface another hint of cramps, but this time 'legs, I relax and go down' Inter always shot with the banner waving, people clapping, and after m'incita 5h 00 '26 "term in the test 42ima posizione.Quando cutting the line is ironic that the speaker, nicely on my flag and my tattoos , an exchange of words with him and with good margins that did the shooting and then via.Doccia, 100m ... perfect lunch, very nice with the kids who helped serve at the tables ... and plenty simpatico.Poi, alas at 14.30, travel by car (always within the limits of speed) to work where a colleague had given me the courtesy of stay two more hours' ... Thanks Sandro.Mi remains is the memory of a "hard" and beautiful in nature and travel PROMISE TO RETURN THIS TIME.
Ps As I said during the race I suffered no fatigue and pain, but the next day 'my legs have called a general scipero
Ps Another step closer to Spartathlon exceeded.