first stage to the convictions of the traitors, the bridge is now a Karlov Most open-air gallery, where a romantic walk many noisy tourists stop to photograph the river without knowing the weight of black water. The old Communist dictatorship no trace except in the minds of old men who wander suspicious and will not let you see without you I can feel their breath on her neck. Even today, everything is under control of sterile human eyes. In more remote districts Gypsies lit fires to keep warm while in the heart of Mala Strana, the music fills the streets like a warm blanket and you can not do without, unless, you do not want to flee to suburbs taking the subway and stopping the as far as possible from the crowd. But then you wonder who in the suburbs there is a bustle of young adults looking for companionship. Prague makes you feel increasingly unwanted guest. The people are totally disinterested in you and if you want some 'of the European courtesies you have to go and enter the Zizkof Malisa, a sad but amazing for English education, Pakistani restaurant. In the evening there is nothing to be done. You can continue to walk or go listen to jazz Agartha and stay there until late at night. E 'during the night from Prague at its best, whether you are surfing on the Vltava River, which is going for a stroll in the center, the background of a sky hammered silver thrown behind tall twin steeples of the castle and numerous churches make me bow before one of the city that fascinated me most.
(photo credit: Luca Casazza)