"And me and 'drill in this sweet wood" (cit.Clara)
San Pedro Tlatepusco: one bizarre but beautiful. Its inhabitants
a little 'smile at us, a little' look at us suspiciously. Clement, Benito, Noe ', Augustine, Leonardo's grandfather, Uncle Sloth and a bit 'all the others who work with us on site, now you feel at home in the middle of the pack that we are stoned! Are no longer 'if a coarse laughter and screams, incompetence and diminished', even there 'who joins us in the break-down Coke pancrema (maxiritz rectangular) - cigarette. There 'instead who just will not come off off, Felipe & Co., the bandwidth of the village infamoni children (age' of between 5 and 9 years)! The yard is the police station (aka our house if he had not understood) virtually a step, well .. even in that short ride, in the early morning, those pests do not miss the opportunity to tease a bit 'before going to school! As soon as may come to us to work now .. almost effortlessly, even though they, izialmente, the purpose of the visit was coming to play us girls to take a beating. The moment the light turns docciatime you find them all positioned on the bench on which our cabins and give us very nearly died for lunch and dinner!
There 's a lot of people that still shows the intersection shyness just our eyes, people who do not trust us, people that there is absurd!
What matters, however, 'is that today, men, women and children (!) Fell from the top of the mountain loads of wood. What matters is' we're doing something together. And, of course, that will not be 'more' show must go on Himalayas for the missing pieces as he had thought about doing!
Tonight we see many stars, the few times I've seen a sky so '. The special thanks goes to Richard, who now has "regained" the bottle of mezcal lost on the way from Oaxaca, tomorrow is celebrated on May 1st!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
How To Make The Patron Cosmo Rita From Friday's
I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien, I'm a napolitanman in tlatepusco.
Dear Pope ', mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, cousins, relatives, friends, boyfriends, lovers, who follow us from home and that you love and you care for us,
WE ARE ALL VERY WELL! We were keen to tell you, you are calm. We realize that for some of you at times is so distressing to know how to 'get away from home, but try to remain calm and to think that we are living un'esperinza only.
We miss you so much. We miss home too much, our beds, food, bidet ... in spite of everything but 'this place is beginning to be familiar ...
To make greater participation of this adventure and to give you a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow San Pedro Tlatepusco (TlatePUZZO or, if you prefer), the following is a list of 25 reasons that make it a place ABSURD:
1) There is a toilet (you can not 'define the process that "the millionaire"!)
2) Pasta / Rice + tortillas ?!?!?!
3) The answer to any question and '"yes", unless they get food, of course.
4) Fruit = banana.
5) give the piano in church.
6) Many insects are bees.
7) The mosquitos ingest a quantity 'of blood-fetched.
8) Do not eat meat.
9) No one believes in the spirit of the place that we had talked so much about, yet he continually shows and do not call it exactly benevolent!
10) and SPT 'infested with butterflies horrible, infamous and camouflage camouflaged by leaves.
11) and SPT 'populated by beautiful butterflies from psychedelic colors.
12) He smokes at school and sleep in the barracks.
13) The spiders seem to crabs.
14) The children sleep in cribs tightrope.
15) Children over 'Big infamoni.
16) Roberto Pennacchio.
17) Women carry firewood in June 'from the mountain, head.
18) = Grass lawn dressing.
19) In all things there is' one essence: the M, the M, M el, pronounced "mh".
20) nationalism of Monday 'morning.
21) There is no time.
22) beautiful children, adults ugly.
23) 4 per 260 inhabitants religions.
24) The religion of the sabbath?!?
25) droppings green bottle.
live here and I mean .. 's a bit like being on Pandora!
And as we set more and more alien to us, 'As our baby grows, it becomes. Between yesterday and today we finally started to mount the curb of wood, finish with the mortar and the openings in which 'was the place frame, to prepare (cut, tested, passed planing treatment) spare achievable with the available material and design in detail some structural details. We need more 'wood and Mexicans do not bring it, UFFA'!
Special thanks today go to Mara and Henry who have finally cleaned up "the room shit", as it should be reorganized space sofas & mat. Now
flee without rereading 'cause I have been waiting for fifteen minutes to make assemblea.Ciao.
Dear Pope ', mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, cousins, relatives, friends, boyfriends, lovers, who follow us from home and that you love and you care for us,
WE ARE ALL VERY WELL! We were keen to tell you, you are calm. We realize that for some of you at times is so distressing to know how to 'get away from home, but try to remain calm and to think that we are living un'esperinza only.
We miss you so much. We miss home too much, our beds, food, bidet ... in spite of everything but 'this place is beginning to be familiar ...
To make greater participation of this adventure and to give you a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow San Pedro Tlatepusco (TlatePUZZO or, if you prefer), the following is a list of 25 reasons that make it a place ABSURD:
1) There is a toilet (you can not 'define the process that "the millionaire"!)
2) Pasta / Rice + tortillas ?!?!?!
3) The answer to any question and '"yes", unless they get food, of course.
4) Fruit = banana.
5) give the piano in church.
6) Many insects are bees.
7) The mosquitos ingest a quantity 'of blood-fetched.
8) Do not eat meat.
9) No one believes in the spirit of the place that we had talked so much about, yet he continually shows and do not call it exactly benevolent!
10) and SPT 'infested with butterflies horrible, infamous and camouflage camouflaged by leaves.
11) and SPT 'populated by beautiful butterflies from psychedelic colors.
12) He smokes at school and sleep in the barracks.
13) The spiders seem to crabs.
14) The children sleep in cribs tightrope.
15) Children over 'Big infamoni.
16) Roberto Pennacchio.
17) Women carry firewood in June 'from the mountain, head.
18) = Grass lawn dressing.
19) In all things there is' one essence: the M, the M, M el, pronounced "mh".
20) nationalism of Monday 'morning.
21) There is no time.
22) beautiful children, adults ugly.
23) 4 per 260 inhabitants religions.
24) The religion of the sabbath?!?
25) droppings green bottle.
live here and I mean .. 's a bit like being on Pandora!
And as we set more and more alien to us, 'As our baby grows, it becomes. Between yesterday and today we finally started to mount the curb of wood, finish with the mortar and the openings in which 'was the place frame, to prepare (cut, tested, passed planing treatment) spare achievable with the available material and design in detail some structural details. We need more 'wood and Mexicans do not bring it, UFFA'!
Special thanks today go to Mara and Henry who have finally cleaned up "the room shit", as it should be reorganized space sofas & mat. Now
flee without rereading 'cause I have been waiting for fifteen minutes to make assemblea.Ciao.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Funny Sayings On Baby Onesies
Spartathlon 2010 ... all beginning '...
all began in a dreary morning of Reggio low a couple of years ago. He ran one of the classic Garette Sunday and I was an athlete who had to spend braids tricolor capo.Al the finish line, he added 'after me, told me: "You know, you just step dell'ultramaratoneta", so I thanked' for something to say ... but unconsciously while the seed was planted. The gentleman with the dreadlocks and 'Anthony Tallarico, national ultramarathon in the meantime allow me the honor of being your friend. I came in 2009 from the disappointment of the Treviso Marathon (one of the storm), and so 'decided upon at a contest that was new to me ... a 50km, 50 KM TO THE ROMAGNA.Li met two other dear friends, Enrico and Mario Vedilei Factor, sorry they also need to be introduced? ... I do not think Mario asked me to run the race with him, an honor for me to stand shoulder to shoulder with a two-time champion mondo.Arrivammo of the finish line, he about a minute before me and I with a brilliant 3:35 a.m. 'that because of the distance ever run before, and the location was inconvenient to live as a sogno.Da that moment, even the great Henry, beginning 'to tell me the same thing the year before ... Tallarita At this point, the imagination begins to gallop and I start looking for something that can make me immortal and so 'I find the turning turning Spartathlon.Inizio to document, to contact people to take notes and all that' speaking of the race became Hellenic d 'interest to me. But at this point 'was reached in October last year and after the marathon of Alexandria I say,' Now or never ', I have become a ultramaratoneta, leaving a track and I want an international call-up. "I speak with my coach, he is not the beginning and 'agree, but I know what I want and so convinco.Parte' in October 2009 for me officially 'adventure Spartathlon.Partecipo Ultrak the marathon in Salsomaggiore (3:18 a.m. absolute 5 '), I run the marathon in Reggio Emilia in closing smoothly progressing well' as a beacon 'for others that follow, I'll Calderara December 27 for another 42.195 m. So begins' The 2010, to go to Greece, I have to qualify and that is' run, among other options, a 100km in less than ten and a half hours. Well, the choice falls on the 100km Brianza.Intanto always inserted in the long program and I am still following ending '(culminate) with the start of the race in Greece, took part in the ultra trail on the river Lamone January (7 overall) and that will deepen the knowledge which then will turn 'in friendship with the great Andrea Accorsi and Monica Barchetti fantastic, I also submit them? ? Andrea tell me 'time now that the lighthouse from there a few months' to Seregno ... I said, "I think you'll be among the eight hours and eight hours and fifteen" ... the result you want to know?? Eight hours and seven minutes. Since then Andrea and Monica will also become my fans and I always will spur even giving me advice preziosi.Il much time passes, I go to San Benedetto del Tronto on the sand for 50km (2 overall), and subsequently in marathons in Verona Salsomaggiore and Piacenza, a week without competition and then you go to Seregno.Li I make a masterpiece, a race prepared in detail and running as I wanted ... I could not fail, I had, I wanted to subscribe to the minimum Spartathlon.Acquisito I ran the 50km of Romagna, quietly without damaging the soul of a lighthouse 'the marathon Custoza, Passatore the ecomaratona Ventasso, another echo that will take place' on August 15 and then you'll see 'where to go so I can better prepare for this adventure. For sure I will not give up '... Spartathlon after yet another dream ... but it 's too early parlarne.REALIZZIAMO THIS!
Ps The source and 'born to run on the site
all began in a dreary morning of Reggio low a couple of years ago. He ran one of the classic Garette Sunday and I was an athlete who had to spend braids tricolor capo.Al the finish line, he added 'after me, told me: "You know, you just step dell'ultramaratoneta", so I thanked' for something to say ... but unconsciously while the seed was planted. The gentleman with the dreadlocks and 'Anthony Tallarico, national ultramarathon in the meantime allow me the honor of being your friend. I came in 2009 from the disappointment of the Treviso Marathon (one of the storm), and so 'decided upon at a contest that was new to me ... a 50km, 50 KM TO THE ROMAGNA.Li met two other dear friends, Enrico and Mario Vedilei Factor, sorry they also need to be introduced? ... I do not think Mario asked me to run the race with him, an honor for me to stand shoulder to shoulder with a two-time champion mondo.Arrivammo of the finish line, he about a minute before me and I with a brilliant 3:35 a.m. 'that because of the distance ever run before, and the location was inconvenient to live as a sogno.Da that moment, even the great Henry, beginning 'to tell me the same thing the year before ... Tallarita At this point, the imagination begins to gallop and I start looking for something that can make me immortal and so 'I find the turning turning Spartathlon.Inizio to document, to contact people to take notes and all that' speaking of the race became Hellenic d 'interest to me. But at this point 'was reached in October last year and after the marathon of Alexandria I say,' Now or never ', I have become a ultramaratoneta, leaving a track and I want an international call-up. "I speak with my coach, he is not the beginning and 'agree, but I know what I want and so convinco.Parte' in October 2009 for me officially 'adventure Spartathlon.Partecipo Ultrak the marathon in Salsomaggiore (3:18 a.m. absolute 5 '), I run the marathon in Reggio Emilia in closing smoothly progressing well' as a beacon 'for others that follow, I'll Calderara December 27 for another 42.195 m. So begins' The 2010, to go to Greece, I have to qualify and that is' run, among other options, a 100km in less than ten and a half hours. Well, the choice falls on the 100km Brianza.Intanto always inserted in the long program and I am still following ending '(culminate) with the start of the race in Greece, took part in the ultra trail on the river Lamone January (7 overall) and that will deepen the knowledge which then will turn 'in friendship with the great Andrea Accorsi and Monica Barchetti fantastic, I also submit them? ? Andrea tell me 'time now that the lighthouse from there a few months' to Seregno ... I said, "I think you'll be among the eight hours and eight hours and fifteen" ... the result you want to know?? Eight hours and seven minutes. Since then Andrea and Monica will also become my fans and I always will spur even giving me advice preziosi.Il much time passes, I go to San Benedetto del Tronto on the sand for 50km (2 overall), and subsequently in marathons in Verona Salsomaggiore and Piacenza, a week without competition and then you go to Seregno.Li I make a masterpiece, a race prepared in detail and running as I wanted ... I could not fail, I had, I wanted to subscribe to the minimum Spartathlon.Acquisito I ran the 50km of Romagna, quietly without damaging the soul of a lighthouse 'the marathon Custoza, Passatore the ecomaratona Ventasso, another echo that will take place' on August 15 and then you'll see 'where to go so I can better prepare for this adventure. For sure I will not give up '... Spartathlon after yet another dream ... but it 's too early parlarne.REALIZZIAMO THIS!
Ps The source and 'born to run on the site
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Backache Due To Ciprilex
(s) fravecare.
Hello, We
Enrica and Barbara. In reality, 'there is also Oriana, but she can not' share with us to infuse our drama because 'one that' in part because!
Truth 'and' we're stoned .. 13 pc with one (devastated) available. Usually the site begins at half past seven or eight in the morning, in practice you do not even have time to brush your teeth and go "bathroom" that already 'you have to be ready at the top of San Pedro, and then connect to' virtually unthinkable. The fidanzatissimi, made mad by love, had taken the unhealthy habit of waking up at dawn to fly to school and turn on msn, but luckily for them that bit of rationality 'rimastagli convinced them to give up the enterprise. The real drama began after lunch: you do not have time to throw the branches of the banana skin that already 'there' super line in front of the monitor damn! And if you have bad luck Angela peck before you, and 'You better go and take a nap about 30 minutes ..! Around four in the yard again and return to the zombie PC faithful to their work, the seven assault on the shower equipped with torches, (...), After that dinner 'and' new war: the leaders of the VS blog well chosen, the mammon, lovers, fans, the ziidipendenti, and the fans of the tube of course! For us it 's really too much, we surrender. We promise to update this blog then the more 'often as possible, allowing pcdipendenti.
They all went to sleep, we are doing our best to upload a bit 'of photos but the computer does not want to cooperate.
But let's get serious now, another drama The pieces that do not get cursed!
The base of the porch and 'a good place, good Clemens is dealing with the stone cladding (and every rock' was carried by the river just above San Pedro), we women of the crawl will be placed on which table and benches great design today .. rehearsal portico.Per the rest of the plane never ends, even if you touch with Clara to say this, if not off the plane we will be forced to be placed in a mental health center! Angela and Noe '(the carpenter) and are now going steady, thanks to them, the windows of irregular back slat designed by Nike are starting to come to life. As good optimistic we built a 'scaffolding so that when will come 'the necessary material, we start business in the construction of the second floor, to infinity and beyond!
At this point we can greet you and make the two minutes we headed to our pc!
Hello, We
Enrica and Barbara. In reality, 'there is also Oriana, but she can not' share with us to infuse our drama because 'one that' in part because!
Truth 'and' we're stoned .. 13 pc with one (devastated) available. Usually the site begins at half past seven or eight in the morning, in practice you do not even have time to brush your teeth and go "bathroom" that already 'you have to be ready at the top of San Pedro, and then connect to' virtually unthinkable. The fidanzatissimi, made mad by love, had taken the unhealthy habit of waking up at dawn to fly to school and turn on msn, but luckily for them that bit of rationality 'rimastagli convinced them to give up the enterprise. The real drama began after lunch: you do not have time to throw the branches of the banana skin that already 'there' super line in front of the monitor damn! And if you have bad luck Angela peck before you, and 'You better go and take a nap about 30 minutes ..! Around four in the yard again and return to the zombie PC faithful to their work, the seven assault on the shower equipped with torches, (...), After that dinner 'and' new war: the leaders of the VS blog well chosen, the mammon, lovers, fans, the ziidipendenti, and the fans of the tube of course! For us it 's really too much, we surrender. We promise to update this blog then the more 'often as possible, allowing pcdipendenti.
They all went to sleep, we are doing our best to upload a bit 'of photos but the computer does not want to cooperate.
But let's get serious now, another drama The pieces that do not get cursed!
The base of the porch and 'a good place, good Clemens is dealing with the stone cladding (and every rock' was carried by the river just above San Pedro), we women of the crawl will be placed on which table and benches great design today .. rehearsal portico.Per the rest of the plane never ends, even if you touch with Clara to say this, if not off the plane we will be forced to be placed in a mental health center! Angela and Noe '(the carpenter) and are now going steady, thanks to them, the windows of irregular back slat designed by Nike are starting to come to life. As good optimistic we built a 'scaffolding so that when will come 'the necessary material, we start business in the construction of the second floor, to infinity and beyond!
At this point we can greet you and make the two minutes we headed to our pc!
Monday, April 26, 2010
I Have Thrush Can I Have A Brazilian
50 km di Romagna 2010
As now, the more', they know I will go in September 'to run the legendary Spartathlon to succeed and I'm using a lot of races x train company, and the 50km di Romagna 'was one of queste.Gara fantastic as the location and organization, I saw once again at the starting line this year. L 'adventure began at six in the morning after a night spent working with my friend Dino leaves for Castelbolognese.L' meeting and greeting with many friends: Sabry, Gianluca, Stefano, Enrico, Andrea, Monica Anthony, Maureen, and Roby altri.M 'impose a quiet pace, perhaps too much, but it bene.Corro the first twelve, thirteen km Tallarita and Montagner (two athletes who have no need of my presentation ...), laughing, joking, chatting and so is good '. After a while' I slightly elongated and start 'to make the race to the finish alone. Climbs, descents, thoughts that come and go along this fantastic journey made by a lot more throughout colori.Corro fluency, I stop to all the refreshment of drinking tea or coca cola, sometimes slow down to take my supplements and so on ' . Along the way, I often encounter the Monica Barchetti and Luisa had already 'seen passing their fellow m'incitano; exchange, as I always do and then people are via.Ci that immortalize the race with their beautiful photos and ie 'the legendary Maurice and Denise, always ready to capture the feelings of atleti.Sono crossed the finish line in three hours and fifty minutes, still waving the banner of Inter, in extreme fluency and then taking into account that I had not slept ... I was happy just watching the Sabry with his hands up and smiling and I was delighted, reading the charts, the performance of Henry Vedilei.Il my sorrows more 'me them big data have their other friends who were all parties to do well but also those who for one reason, another for those who have been taken from me along the way and you must believe and not 'was good.
As now, the more', they know I will go in September 'to run the legendary Spartathlon to succeed and I'm using a lot of races x train company, and the 50km di Romagna 'was one of queste.Gara fantastic as the location and organization, I saw once again at the starting line this year. L 'adventure began at six in the morning after a night spent working with my friend Dino leaves for Castelbolognese.L' meeting and greeting with many friends: Sabry, Gianluca, Stefano, Enrico, Andrea, Monica Anthony, Maureen, and Roby altri.M 'impose a quiet pace, perhaps too much, but it bene.Corro the first twelve, thirteen km Tallarita and Montagner (two athletes who have no need of my presentation ...), laughing, joking, chatting and so is good '. After a while' I slightly elongated and start 'to make the race to the finish alone. Climbs, descents, thoughts that come and go along this fantastic journey made by a lot more throughout colori.Corro fluency, I stop to all the refreshment of drinking tea or coca cola, sometimes slow down to take my supplements and so on ' . Along the way, I often encounter the Monica Barchetti and Luisa had already 'seen passing their fellow m'incitano; exchange, as I always do and then people are via.Ci that immortalize the race with their beautiful photos and ie 'the legendary Maurice and Denise, always ready to capture the feelings of atleti.Sono crossed the finish line in three hours and fifty minutes, still waving the banner of Inter, in extreme fluency and then taking into account that I had not slept ... I was happy just watching the Sabry with his hands up and smiling and I was delighted, reading the charts, the performance of Henry Vedilei.Il my sorrows more 'me them big data have their other friends who were all parties to do well but also those who for one reason, another for those who have been taken from me along the way and you must believe and not 'was good.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Which Is Healthier Cashews Or Almonds
happiness' and 'look at an insect through your fly, a plane and' a ball.
Hello, We
Barbara, Marco draws on the chalkboard, Enrica that English law school books, Angela laughing behind my back, Alessandro shaking down looking for do not know what that is and Riccardo Riccardo .
Today 'Saturday, tomorrow you are not working! Tonight you can 'do a little' more 'late, we're all young people gathered here at school (our classroom Mexican workers) to fuck passionately together and take care of this amazing blog (Of course) and another from an email. We are going to load a bit 'of new photos, all taken from Angela on site and during breaks.
The work is progressing well, although a bit 'slow, we are waiting for the wood needed to build the roof and second floor; what' even though we've been concentrating on the electrical system to be designed and on the base of the porch.
E 'Andrea just arrived, we are no longer' so young!
In recent days there 'was a parade of wheelbarrows full of soil and / or stones and today we did a few tests outside of the pillars of wood shaped like a "v" for victory. Sometimes fantasize about the color of the walls or any coconut lamps for the interior, we hope to do it with the times!
Tomorrow someone will go 'in Santiago, a charming village in an hour and a half walk from here, someone else in search of toucans in the jungle (especially Marco and' suffering from Arteteca!). Tonight we enjoy a well-deserved rest). Good night. Ps
newcomer Group: er doctor Paulo, brave young Mexican Isthmus, better known as HEADS, in fact it does not carry a medicine, it is suspected to be graduated by correspondence and more often speaks for itself. But be calm, and 'nu waglion good and at worst there is' always Clara, a nurse and Oriana version which, despite being mad for generations, has a magic touch when doing injections.
Hello, We
Barbara, Marco draws on the chalkboard, Enrica that English law school books, Angela laughing behind my back, Alessandro shaking down looking for do not know what that is and Riccardo Riccardo .
Today 'Saturday, tomorrow you are not working! Tonight you can 'do a little' more 'late, we're all young people gathered here at school (our classroom Mexican workers) to fuck passionately together and take care of this amazing blog (Of course) and another from an email. We are going to load a bit 'of new photos, all taken from Angela on site and during breaks.
The work is progressing well, although a bit 'slow, we are waiting for the wood needed to build the roof and second floor; what' even though we've been concentrating on the electrical system to be designed and on the base of the porch.
E 'Andrea just arrived, we are no longer' so young!
In recent days there 'was a parade of wheelbarrows full of soil and / or stones and today we did a few tests outside of the pillars of wood shaped like a "v" for victory. Sometimes fantasize about the color of the walls or any coconut lamps for the interior, we hope to do it with the times!
Tomorrow someone will go 'in Santiago, a charming village in an hour and a half walk from here, someone else in search of toucans in the jungle (especially Marco and' suffering from Arteteca!). Tonight we enjoy a well-deserved rest). Good night. Ps
newcomer Group: er doctor Paulo, brave young Mexican Isthmus, better known as HEADS, in fact it does not carry a medicine, it is suspected to be graduated by correspondence and more often speaks for itself. But be calm, and 'nu waglion good and at worst there is' always Clara, a nurse and Oriana version which, despite being mad for generations, has a magic touch when doing injections.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Honda Front Plate Instructions
mail to friends
dear and dearest, here are
to Henry, and Ross babe smoking (their) children in the school ...
today 'was a great day at work and satisfaction:
_habemus showers with floor plan on the ground including
_FINALMENTE the foundation plinths can go to hell under the earth! Dry and clean can finally stand on the porch.
_the war if the insects' made more interesting because now we have the mosquito netting hanging (thanks Giulio, I would sleep with cotton wool in your sleeping bag under your beautiful pussy and fly, barbara takes this opportunity to thank the father for the excellent choice of its own mosquito net: color between pink and purple (for charity opinabilissimo')..). We even made the feast of mosquito nets' evening is: in a jiffy he had created the living room sofa & TATAMI with music.
_ciliegina on the cake we were supplied with bananas and coconuts SPECIAL THX TO SAINT CLEMENT (you should know ... just a pity that you do not know: and 'he who as the photo shows, put the figure at the head of anything the first day construction.
Mark e'preso the vaffa (loving eh!) of the day, we can go to sleep calm.
dear and dearest, here are
to Henry, and Ross babe smoking (their) children in the school ...
today 'was a great day at work and satisfaction:
_habemus showers with floor plan on the ground including
_FINALMENTE the foundation plinths can go to hell under the earth! Dry and clean can finally stand on the porch.
_the war if the insects' made more interesting because now we have the mosquito netting hanging (thanks Giulio, I would sleep with cotton wool in your sleeping bag under your beautiful pussy and fly, barbara takes this opportunity to thank the father for the excellent choice of its own mosquito net: color between pink and purple (for charity opinabilissimo')..). We even made the feast of mosquito nets' evening is: in a jiffy he had created the living room sofa & TATAMI with music.
_ciliegina on the cake we were supplied with bananas and coconuts SPECIAL THX TO SAINT CLEMENT (you should know ... just a pity that you do not know: and 'he who as the photo shows, put the figure at the head of anything the first day construction.
Mark e'preso the vaffa (loving eh!) of the day, we can go to sleep calm.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How Long Does A Lady Can Breast Feed Her Husband
O 'Paola
Hello Barbara, Enrica, Mark, and a bit 'and also Oriana.Oggi' was , and not just talking about work, definitely a good giornata.Abbiamo worked a lot, even at dinner time the old man had a good umore.L 'pinnacle of happiness' but 'has been reached a few hours ago, when Mr. Clement brought which has the nails for concrete, which 57% will be' used to fasten the zanzero falls disuse over bags pelo.La our second mission and 'defeating terrorism we are the first insettiforo.Ma (aka project-specific' cause Enrica first had not understood!): we have our stick of cement on top it were placed the pieces on which to mount a long-awaited wood bead, the openings have been completed and are under the frame, and 'build up the partition of the sleeping area, we are proceeding with a wood structure of the cube in the future joint space showers to finish a fine puree of flex to the foundations and we are cavallo.Speriamo can update this blog as much 'as often as possible, and that the guestbook is open above! Meanwhile, enjoy the photos, besos.
Hello Barbara, Enrica, Mark, and a bit 'and also Oriana.Oggi' was , and not just talking about work, definitely a good giornata.Abbiamo worked a lot, even at dinner time the old man had a good umore.L 'pinnacle of happiness' but 'has been reached a few hours ago, when Mr. Clement brought which has the nails for concrete, which 57% will be' used to fasten the zanzero falls disuse over bags pelo.La our second mission and 'defeating terrorism we are the first insettiforo.Ma (aka project-specific' cause Enrica first had not understood!): we have our stick of cement on top it were placed the pieces on which to mount a long-awaited wood bead, the openings have been completed and are under the frame, and 'build up the partition of the sleeping area, we are proceeding with a wood structure of the cube in the future joint space showers to finish a fine puree of flex to the foundations and we are cavallo.Speriamo can update this blog as much 'as often as possible, and that the guestbook is open above! Meanwhile, enjoy the photos, besos.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Protocol Luggage Set Consumer Review
a couple of us - cigarette break & Coke.
Dear who follow us from home! Finally we did it with this highly anticipated (never true) blog. It 's not a joke, we are here in Mexico (San Pedro Tlatepusco specifically), not in Papua. We had our 5 hour hike in the jungle and we came into this place, incredibly good and evil. We are all
and 13 more 'or less safely, sleep todos juntos passionately in' former police station on the wooden beams comfortable. We have a "bath" and two "showers" for us and all three "meals" per day guaranteed. The villagers are a bit 'hate us a little' love us, no es cierto!
For six days in this part we dedicate ourselves heart and soul to our beloved site of which, the Internet allows, we hope to show you as' soon as the many photos taken by Angela. Work is the greatest (Andrea and Roberto did not have the same opinion, but never mind) and in the next post we'll tell you in detail what is happening here. For now, we anticipate that we focused on changes to the existing concrete block on which one day (hopefully more) will rise 'fair structure Wood designed by us!
PLUG IN THE SIDE OF THE WEEK qualify the foundations of the porch! It seems that we made, festicciuola based on coca cola and pretzels, ole '!
Goodnight everyone even if you at this time, you're probably enjoying your coffee 'and milk in the morning.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The sense of wrong values \u200b\u200b

It 's time to review the actions of politicians and critics of the culture, on norms and values \u200b\u200bof our society. We must have the courage to assess the attitudes that prevail and make a list of sins of omissions and commissions in an increasingly insane and unfair. We live in a stagnant and irresponsible, materialistic and lacking in humanitarian purposes. It 's a disturbing finding the hallmark of every prosperous society where a rising standard of material prosperity and education standardized no corresponding decrease in the high percentage of crimes against humanity. No original research but the will to define themselves other than "I'm not like you" is a concept that jars in a society where political correctness is a necessary framework for addressing a wide audience and appeal to everyone. The possibility of independent determination is necessarily hindered favor the status quo of a handful of oligarchs. We live in a world of half-shadows created by advertising, from advertising, from television. Politicians invoke grand ideas and revolutions become so blurred and confused by paroxysmal and become useless. Travel faster and faster, have more and more privileges. But to what end? The well-being annihilated amassed the highest values \u200b\u200bin life and twisted mind, revealing a strong negative correlation between the size of machine intelligence, maturity and a sense of social responsibility of its owner. We travel more, but we do not want to engage in knowledge of other peoples. Petra visit with his mouth open but then the bomb, we love to go to Morocco but then burn its inhabitants. Frank Allaun, menbro Parliamentary Labour, in a letter to the Times (1962) said, "In an age of automation, atomic energy and space travel, we are not able to provide families with a bathroom in the house. It is a sense of wrong values. " We persist in creating new needs, we have removed the absolute needs and created a need for luxury whose satisfaction is required to make us feel superior to others. This is a company destined to implode very quickly. Before the disaster happens I go to Cancale to eat a tasty plateau de fruits de mer. Bon appetite!
Monday, April 5, 2010
What Is The Electron Pair Geometry Of Clf2-
Towards the Spartathlon 2010
After two weeks of discharge, sixteen kilometers courses yesterday at 4'47 "km with various annoyances, begins the" race "to the Spartathlon 2010. With my coach decided to go to participate in the 100km Passatore will take place 'in May and also to those who are looking at the commitments also working to run the marathon Custoza the May 8 and then another couple of ecomaratone estivo.In during these six months that separate me from the race on earth Hellenic many kilometers must be "ground" but, that, 'I'm not fear ... indeed! There are two important things: training and gl'infortuni. But a 'the fundamental thing: the head. THE TRAINING
will likely need to 'reduce the pace of this race and I'll do' probably after Passatore.Altro important factor in training will be 'the maniac' in the lead, but this does not scare me because they 'already' do it! !.
ACCIDENT: I'm always lurking and treacherous pero 'dosing good training and good follow the signals of the physical, I hope to keep them at bay.
HEAD: The item in my fondamentale.Ho done a great mental effort, more 'and physically to reach the minimum time for Spartathlon.A Seregno but already we say' through the preparation for the 100km of Brianza, I built all with the "head" and so 'should' do from here on I will have avanti.Non 'fall into the trap that had gia'raggiunto Camera, soft.
After two weeks of discharge, sixteen kilometers courses yesterday at 4'47 "km with various annoyances, begins the" race "to the Spartathlon 2010. With my coach decided to go to participate in the 100km Passatore will take place 'in May and also to those who are looking at the commitments also working to run the marathon Custoza the May 8 and then another couple of ecomaratone estivo.In during these six months that separate me from the race on earth Hellenic many kilometers must be "ground" but, that, 'I'm not fear ... indeed! There are two important things: training and gl'infortuni. But a 'the fundamental thing: the head. THE TRAINING
will likely need to 'reduce the pace of this race and I'll do' probably after Passatore.Altro important factor in training will be 'the maniac' in the lead, but this does not scare me because they 'already' do it! !.
ACCIDENT: I'm always lurking and treacherous pero 'dosing good training and good follow the signals of the physical, I hope to keep them at bay.
HEAD: The item in my fondamentale.Ho done a great mental effort, more 'and physically to reach the minimum time for Spartathlon.A Seregno but already we say' through the preparation for the 100km of Brianza, I built all with the "head" and so 'should' do from here on I will have avanti.Non 'fall into the trap that had gia'raggiunto Camera, soft.
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