After the government agreed to a path-region that overlaps with that of the old Aurelia, the local committees and associations are on the warpath: "Landscape and the economy at risk, which is expensive" ANTONIO Cianciulli
ROME - Motorway of the Maremma, the battle starts. In the aftermath of the deal the government - on a Region path that overlaps with that of the old Aurelia 1 , rekindle the controversy. Local committees have launched a petition and threatening to take to the streets, Italy Our speaks of "landscape and economy at risk", the WWF has relaunched its opposition by denouncing a "useless and expensive solution."Yet the impact of the work that lies ahead is far less than the two options highways remained in contention for decades: the old plans provided within the passage, in an area virtually untouched by vineyards, olive groves, farms, in full park, or six new lanes near the coast. Now for the first time Sat, Autostrada Tyrrhenian agree to use as the basis of the route the old Aurelia. A hypothesis similar to that supported by environmentalists.
"There remain substantial differences," argues Nicola Caracciolo, vice president of Italy Nostra. "Securing the Aurelia extending it would cost around one billion euro, this project will double the figure: why spend so much when there are no resources for the House of the gladiator at Pompeii or the Roman Forum, the Domus aurea? And then there ' is the impact of junctions and so-called coplanar, the roads are necessary to ensure the viability
those who do not want to pay the toll. We're talking about a narrow stretch of coast between the hills and the sea, in some places are just 2 or 3 kilometers from the railway and already employed by the Aurelia: you can not add more asphalt. I would not want such insistence would bind to the idea of \u200b\u200ba nuclear power plant at Montalto di Castro, which would require a quick escape route for evacuation. "
Even Gaetano Benedetto, WWF, distanced himself from the project stating that" the highway will have heavy impacts on chosen fragile and valuable natural and negative effect not only in Maremma, but also to greater distances, as the connection point with the fitting of Rome. "Vittorio Emiliani It states:" I do not support the project , because the project does not yet exist. And 'positive choice dell'Aurelia to use the track, but as long as there are cards you can not assess the environmental impact, we'll see. "
Once narrowed down the options field to a path that overlaps the Aurelia, which are the nodes the conflict? "A motorway can be achieved in many ways," said Anna Donati, one of two technicians who followed the controversy. "If you create a completely closed system triggers an obligation of coplanar and a large number of junctions: in this case, the impact is heavy. If you leave the freedom to travel on short distances, creating a toll proportional to the distance you can minimize the new asphalt. And in any case is required, on the French model, a significant investment on the regeneration of the landscape traversed by the new structure. "
After all, in other words, the difference between the two positions that are still opposed - on the one hand those who want dell'Aurelia enlargement, on the other those who support the dell'Aurelia transformation on the highway - could be reduced significantly. A highway route without the burden of coplanar and a large number of junctions and reduce the environmental impact on the construction company would transfer the burden of expenditure. The reduction in the size of the project, indeed, it has an economic reason that environmentalists have pointed out some time: the flow of cars provided is not sufficient to repay an investment as that assumed at first that came to € 3-4 billion for the more demanding variant.
"I am confident there will not be the same plane, there are no" guarantees Zanchini Edward, head of mobility Legambiente. "Of course, before the last word must wait until the project is made official. But at what promises to be a highway light and low environmental impact, have blocked the alternatives most devastating is a great satisfaction."
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