Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Do Guys Wear Jockstrap

Shigeru Ban, the Japanese designer, master of light and the green recycling became popular in Japan in 1995 when he designed and built, large-scale, affordable housing and rapid assembly in the Kobe earthquake, using as an essential raw material tubes made from recycled paper. He designed the homes of 16 square meters, with walls made from cardboard tubes and boxes for foundation consist of beer bottles filled with sand. Similar techniques were also used to temporarily rebuild the church of Takatori and the Japanese pavilion presented the exhibition in Hanover in 2000. E 'own use of paper and paperboard, non-conventional materials in the field of design and architecture that have made him one of the brightest young architects on the international scene. Minimalism and experimentation related to sustainability are the constants within which the architect is moving east, in sharp contrast to the hi-tech variation of much contemporary architecture. Some months ago, the Japanese architect, member of the Voluntary Architects Network, had offered to design the reconstruction of the Conservatory of L'Aquila: the construction was partly fimanziata and partly by the Japanese financial groups in Europe. A opportunities for the region of Abruzzo of reaching an extraordinary project of modern architecture in a region where the state of architecture seem permanently lost. The Italian state has preferred to win a firm of metal, with the offer down and without insurance on any safety and acoustics of the complex, the contract expiring Sept. 22 at 13. Some reporters have interviewed the Civil Defence which is justified by saying that "the contract was not closed", and this Sept. 25, three days after the official closing date and went on to say "without prejudice to the partial funding provided by Japan, 500 thousand €, there are no other resources, much less from abroad to cover the remaining cost of the work. It was therefore considered to make a public tender - concluded the Department - to ensure, as always, the utmost transparency in the use of public funds. " But listening to the architect Alessandro Marcello Boldrini, assistant Shigeru Ban another truth emerges: "Ban has sent the draft to foundations and most important financial groups in Europe. All agreed to support it. "How can this happen? "The culture of poverty won" but not in Italy, when the houses are born to speculation of a group of individuals against other individuals, things, in this case, the houses can be built with "love", hence the sense of misery and squalor of certain buildings that all have a sense of provisional malate. Inhabited waiting to go on.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogpost Da Travesti Kamila

missed opportunity, "the fake king of England"

Many pensioners, because of minimum pensions, need to find a job after retirement, usually paid in order not to lower the black board. But since we live in a country where the illegal becomes legal, thanks to a law, regulation of this combination of work and retirement provided an opportunity to those who want to continue working after retirement, without giving the whole or a large share of the pension. The decree law number 112 of 25 June 2008 provides that from 1 January 2009, old age pensions in pay scheme will be eligible for full cumulation that was previously in force but only for pensions vecchiaia.Lo original purpose was to to return to tax the income of many retirees who worked in black, but what is happening is extraordinarily Italian: the employee is fired, asked the board, and after a short time (usually 30 days), it is summed up by the company. In this way it can benefit both retirement and salary. But they are not old pensioners with the minimum pension benefit from the opportunity, those who are using are almost exclusively those who have senior positions. Most people, in fact, are not aware of this "chance", my question is, even if they do (know) a worker or an employee would have the bargaining power and persuasion to convince the company they work for accept their resignations, and then summarize them? I think not.
So, first we have to layoff workers and employees, other managers who are doubling their incomes at the expense of the community!
is also a privileged opportunity that only those who retire with the pay arrangements (ie, the calculation is done on their last salary, not on what they have paid during working life). The result is that not only those already privileged by the current situation has an additional privilege, but it is also to take a job at the expense of unemployed youth. To add insult to injury: This period applies to salary plus pension the calculation of contributions. That is, after a few years, those who are not retired with full, request that the pension is recalculated because in the meantime has paid other contributions (essentially with our money) and ask the board massima.Ora, parliamentarians who have decided to approve This decree would ask to what extent they want to increase the gap between rich and poor, to what extent they want to starve the population. I would remind them that a population that struggles to make ends meet has nothing to lose, "is not the absolute deprivation that leads to protest, but the relative deprivation, ie the discrepancy between the conditions of life where individuals are subjected and the they think could realistically be achieved "(James Davies).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Car Amp Has Stopped Working ?

Eat oily fish that is good for the brain

I would look in his eyes, looking for a glimmer of humanity, those beings that criminals, in a gesture crazy and unfortunate, sank ships loaded with radioactive materials. I to ask if those idiots in the same summer have given to their children or grandchildren to swim in that sea radioactive. The answer is an excerpt from the telephone intercepts between the two Calabrian boss "Just be smart, just wait for the days of sea, and who want to noticing? "." And the sea? What will become of the sea area where the infect? \u200b\u200b"." But we know what the sea gives a fuck? Think of the money than with the sea we go to find somewhere else
...". The discovery of the last wreck of a cargo load of drums suspects off Cetraro (CS), which took place September 12, 2009, confirms the allegations Legambiente and WWF on the "ship to lose," deliberately sunk at sea to dispose of quickly and illegal toxic and radioactive waste. It is enough that a judge wants to clarify to find evidence of how many times reported by two NGOs from the mid- 90s when the first ship, flying the Maltese flag, sinking off Cape Spartivento. to endorse the view of the judiciary is the testimony of Wells, associate justice, on two other vessels made Metaponto and sank in Maratea, but is also a report signed by Dr. Jack Brancati - physician and adviser to the Attorney Paola - in explaining how "we can confirm the existence of a statistically significant excess mortality in the district compared to Amantea remaining region, from '92 to 2001, particularly in the towns of Serra d'Aiello, Amantea, Cletus and Malito. But who has covered for years the traffic of waste? How was that for more than 10 years, institutions have allowed this destruction in our seas and to the detriment of our health? The answer is in those plots between politics, secret services, and international crime faccenderi to which we are so used to and accustomed to think of legitimate and normal.