Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Do Baking Cups Burn In The Oven

Why read "The Threepenny Opera" by Brecht?

Why it's snowing outside and the heater is not warm enough, because there are two degrees and I did not want to go out, because I do not like the novel began, seems to be written by a girl, because my best friend gave me a hole, because after all we are not so different from the characters, because I do not want to watch TV so there is never anything, because today I listened to Piazzolla and I was heart broken, because someone had to be with me tonight but did not come, because the dinner will be frugal and I will satisfy, because my dog \u200b\u200bdecided to stand sitting on the opposite side of the sofa, because people call you only when they need to tell you something and never know how you are, but you call me mom and stand in silence and then I understand that it is only a phone call to find out if they are still alive, because it shows us things we do not want to see, because some things should be re-read several times in life, because I must stop.
need something to happen again. The work I do is too hard, because my work consists in exciting human compassion. There are a few things-a few! - Capable of touching the man, some few, but the trouble is that, if used frequently, lose their effect. Why do people have the tremendous power to harden as it were to your liking. So for example it happens that a man who sees another man standing on a street corner with a stump in the arm, so upset the first time remains of course to give him ten pence, but the second time by only five pennies, and if he sees a third time, delivers it safely to the police. The same happens with the resources of moral .

Friday, December 4, 2009

La Fitness Sales Positions

"cookies malted grain for a Better World" Sense and Sensibility

prepare you as a child to face life because they teach you that you have to be nice and good to succeed, and in this way, at the age of four years, you fuck the rest of life.
You work hard during the five years of elementary memorizing poems incomprehensible that you have to say with a big, vacuous smile on Christmas Eve, dressed as a Scotsman in the middle of winter, but you live in Italy and have a very warm and socks Wool you itch to death. But pretend you do nothing and so many questions because you're lucky, so you have repeated the age of four years. "I'm ready mom I studied poetry and take a nice 9 but could someone teach me to cross the street today because they put me almost in?" Face the medium bravely pretend to nothing when the bully of the third c throws you the folder, every day in the garbage and you will have to immerse high 1:10 into the garbage around the neighborhood of the city well, discovering that they are not as refined as eat in the dressing. But you go straight on your way because your job is to go to church on Sunday and take in the great verification of mathematics does not come on so hard ... they all do! They come to high school and is a trauma in the classroom with you because we are the children of poor neighborhoods, those who smoke in your face and you do not even know what a book but you fall in love and try to do so but only to the rebel days alternatives because we need to study and not waste time, ever. We graduated with 110 and think, "I got" I can finally relax, but it is a wishful thinking and hard as a cup of coffee. "There are people who have a master's degree abroad, you can too otherwise you're nobody!" And so allocation for other years: advanced courses, masters, postgraduate courses, but begins to become pale, but never mind, you can get some light. Lacking iron? Injected. Too much sugar? Low-calorie diet. One morning I woke up with a headache: chronic fatigue syndrome. Our generation lives on illusions, be brave and prepared is good for nothing, we stood firm, the world turned, and we still wait. Eventually the truth is simple: the son of the dentist is a dentist, the daughter of the pharmacist is a pharmacist, the son of a notary is a notary, the director of the hospital is the lover of the Administrative Director Sssh but do not need to know but no one knows all, the Minister has given to another minister of another ministry, if you can transsexual go around in Porsches, but then they kill you, in your office all have given to the head-cock except you that in fact you stayed at home. What happened to the class to which your partner did you ever copy homework? Ah. entered into politics and run with the bodyguards.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ram Horn Walking Sticks

Have you ever read a few blogs written by men about women? I find it somewhat uncomfortable to read, some even make it a profession, becoming coach of the true men motivated to straighten a little lost not find terribly depressing to think that people fail to understand? but then I wonder what's so difficult to understand that they need in fact often a coach? Now we are so spineless that they need tutors for everything, as if we fail in an autonomous and independent approach to life. Tutor to work out because it alone can not ever move your flabby ass off the couch, tutor for food because we certainly want someone to tell us that those who guzzled tons of snacks every day without hope we are wrong, tutor to "go body "because if you do not do every day someone or something is required, visual tutorials for sex because otherwise we would do the same old place. But when and why we are so low? The answer is in this surreal story: high-speed train, is Milan-Rome, I choose, as usual, side window so you can look out without being forced to look at who I have in front and side, 600-page book resting on his knees, put on my thick, fake eyeglasses and keep a look completely vacuous proof of nuisance. No, I mean nobody, would have the courage to speak to me. The visual cues are there: jaw tightened, his legs crossed and the body adjacent the window to avoid having to even touch the other for not having to apologize. Inevitably there are some naive, shortsighted, stupid communicator trying to tell me "sorry, I read that book too .. interesting but the end is so obvious ..." or "what a beautiful day .. it's sunny outside today ... "as if I were not able to see it and then a sudden rage comes over me, I inflate the vein and just can not say a word, I give only a hissing, well-aimed grunt. Then comes to my mind that that person would really need some help but not love a coach but you should be able to recover his instinctive part, that he would escape from that situation. That person has completely lost the instinct , his reptilian system is completely inoperable. no animal species would have a similar error. In a few seconds, the idlers in the interchange of communication of that verbal exchange has reduced the number of its possible next moves: a disaster announced! Best of our poor customer is even Somateria mollissima that with its 5 very ritualized performances can send clear and unequivocal message to the female. The reason is not always a good teacher.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back Up Cameras Honda Ridgeline

A warm "welcome" from the realm of howler monkeys

In the past, women have fought for rights and freedoms such as the right of ownership, voting rights, birth control, exercise of certain professions. Today I am saddened at having to repeat, with a post, the absolute equality between people and the maximum reduction of the border that separates male from female. Women want to be considered as persons and not a category "woman" as a group separate from the rest the world. But the question shows some inconsistencies and it is likely to have a distorted view of the problem if it is approached from this unique perspective. In the '70s and '80s, women have occupied important positions and social barriers have disintegrated, and today, although with some caution, who can deny that women will achieve any social position quite easily? In 1776, John Adams called it "unfit to practice and experience the great questions of life" because of our sensitivity, in 2009 the prime minister said during a conference: "I see there at the forefront of high level representatives of aesthetics. You know you are in love with my wife, but I did not lose the aesthetic sense and known extraordinary legs moving ... "We are facing a decline in the way that many men consider a woman? Today men are just more honest? Despite the attacks, more or less inelegant we are sure that this is the real problem? A My dear friend one day told me "you women are not creative you are ... had to create an alternative to being a man without becoming clones. "For a moment I was born a heated discussion, but then made me think. All of the feminist struggle is legitimate concentarata equality between men and women who at the time was absolutely necessary, but now it is perhaps not too flattened the question? We did not push, exaggerated with the desire to at all costs to join a male model seeking social equality and equal treatment? We had perhaps a chance to create something different, cleaner, not blindly adhered to the current economic model? We simply aspired to be like them. Women in power, not all but many align themselves visually and behavior to humans, reducing themselves to be sempilicemente of people but not women in power. How did Condoleezza Rice, a woman, not to find peaceful solutions to the conflict in Iraq? Not because it was a woman, but just denying her being a woman and acting like a man, was unable to find another solution. This is the point of view from which a riflessione.Ultimamente there is much talk of women between the means of mass communication and is emerging the need to return to a kind of feminist revival. I suspect that the problem is not that person's gender determines the involution of the human species, I think it's social, economic and social system upon which our existence is the real defendant. The economic system indoctrinate us since childhood. E 'toys that the economic system as corrupt us. And if you are a parent, please give away your children's books and not the "Bratz". Disgraziatamnete If you happen to have two parents who, perhaps because of carelessness, you got all your books and childhood development, then welcome to the world of "Unfit", "working girl lonely, desperate and deviant" who seek a world of tissue paper and tissue to find their own way. The economic system is not interressato to form the morale of a people, is only interested in business. How does a population base the entire office in the gaming business? I do not see differences between men and women, in this case we only lost people in their abandonment. A warm "welcome" in the realm of howler monkeys.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Do Guys Wear Jockstrap

Shigeru Ban, the Japanese designer, master of light and the green recycling became popular in Japan in 1995 when he designed and built, large-scale, affordable housing and rapid assembly in the Kobe earthquake, using as an essential raw material tubes made from recycled paper. He designed the homes of 16 square meters, with walls made from cardboard tubes and boxes for foundation consist of beer bottles filled with sand. Similar techniques were also used to temporarily rebuild the church of Takatori and the Japanese pavilion presented the exhibition in Hanover in 2000. E 'own use of paper and paperboard, non-conventional materials in the field of design and architecture that have made him one of the brightest young architects on the international scene. Minimalism and experimentation related to sustainability are the constants within which the architect is moving east, in sharp contrast to the hi-tech variation of much contemporary architecture. Some months ago, the Japanese architect, member of the Voluntary Architects Network, had offered to design the reconstruction of the Conservatory of L'Aquila: the construction was partly fimanziata and partly by the Japanese financial groups in Europe. A opportunities for the region of Abruzzo of reaching an extraordinary project of modern architecture in a region where the state of architecture seem permanently lost. The Italian state has preferred to win a firm of metal, with the offer down and without insurance on any safety and acoustics of the complex, the contract expiring Sept. 22 at 13. Some reporters have interviewed the Civil Defence which is justified by saying that "the contract was not closed", and this Sept. 25, three days after the official closing date and went on to say "without prejudice to the partial funding provided by Japan, 500 thousand €, there are no other resources, much less from abroad to cover the remaining cost of the work. It was therefore considered to make a public tender - concluded the Department - to ensure, as always, the utmost transparency in the use of public funds. " But listening to the architect Alessandro Marcello Boldrini, assistant Shigeru Ban another truth emerges: "Ban has sent the draft to foundations and most important financial groups in Europe. All agreed to support it. "How can this happen? "The culture of poverty won" but not in Italy, when the houses are born to speculation of a group of individuals against other individuals, things, in this case, the houses can be built with "love", hence the sense of misery and squalor of certain buildings that all have a sense of provisional malate. Inhabited waiting to go on.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogpost Da Travesti Kamila

missed opportunity, "the fake king of England"

Many pensioners, because of minimum pensions, need to find a job after retirement, usually paid in order not to lower the black board. But since we live in a country where the illegal becomes legal, thanks to a law, regulation of this combination of work and retirement provided an opportunity to those who want to continue working after retirement, without giving the whole or a large share of the pension. The decree law number 112 of 25 June 2008 provides that from 1 January 2009, old age pensions in pay scheme will be eligible for full cumulation that was previously in force but only for pensions vecchiaia.Lo original purpose was to to return to tax the income of many retirees who worked in black, but what is happening is extraordinarily Italian: the employee is fired, asked the board, and after a short time (usually 30 days), it is summed up by the company. In this way it can benefit both retirement and salary. But they are not old pensioners with the minimum pension benefit from the opportunity, those who are using are almost exclusively those who have senior positions. Most people, in fact, are not aware of this "chance", my question is, even if they do (know) a worker or an employee would have the bargaining power and persuasion to convince the company they work for accept their resignations, and then summarize them? I think not.
So, first we have to layoff workers and employees, other managers who are doubling their incomes at the expense of the community!
is also a privileged opportunity that only those who retire with the pay arrangements (ie, the calculation is done on their last salary, not on what they have paid during working life). The result is that not only those already privileged by the current situation has an additional privilege, but it is also to take a job at the expense of unemployed youth. To add insult to injury: This period applies to salary plus pension the calculation of contributions. That is, after a few years, those who are not retired with full, request that the pension is recalculated because in the meantime has paid other contributions (essentially with our money) and ask the board massima.Ora, parliamentarians who have decided to approve This decree would ask to what extent they want to increase the gap between rich and poor, to what extent they want to starve the population. I would remind them that a population that struggles to make ends meet has nothing to lose, "is not the absolute deprivation that leads to protest, but the relative deprivation, ie the discrepancy between the conditions of life where individuals are subjected and the they think could realistically be achieved "(James Davies).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Car Amp Has Stopped Working ?

Eat oily fish that is good for the brain

I would look in his eyes, looking for a glimmer of humanity, those beings that criminals, in a gesture crazy and unfortunate, sank ships loaded with radioactive materials. I to ask if those idiots in the same summer have given to their children or grandchildren to swim in that sea radioactive. The answer is an excerpt from the telephone intercepts between the two Calabrian boss "Just be smart, just wait for the days of sea, and who want to noticing? "." And the sea? What will become of the sea area where the infect? \u200b\u200b"." But we know what the sea gives a fuck? Think of the money than with the sea we go to find somewhere else
...". The discovery of the last wreck of a cargo load of drums suspects off Cetraro (CS), which took place September 12, 2009, confirms the allegations Legambiente and WWF on the "ship to lose," deliberately sunk at sea to dispose of quickly and illegal toxic and radioactive waste. It is enough that a judge wants to clarify to find evidence of how many times reported by two NGOs from the mid- 90s when the first ship, flying the Maltese flag, sinking off Cape Spartivento. to endorse the view of the judiciary is the testimony of Wells, associate justice, on two other vessels made Metaponto and sank in Maratea, but is also a report signed by Dr. Jack Brancati - physician and adviser to the Attorney Paola - in explaining how "we can confirm the existence of a statistically significant excess mortality in the district compared to Amantea remaining region, from '92 to 2001, particularly in the towns of Serra d'Aiello, Amantea, Cletus and Malito. But who has covered for years the traffic of waste? How was that for more than 10 years, institutions have allowed this destruction in our seas and to the detriment of our health? The answer is in those plots between politics, secret services, and international crime faccenderi to which we are so used to and accustomed to think of legitimate and normal.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Waxing Strips Substitue

the situation of women in

There are reports that do not deserve to be remembered, others are forgotten until they re-emerge with force, unexpectedly and are the ones that do more harm. After seeing the show last night degrading during the transmission of Gad Lerner, two intelligent women, but the dialectic macho and sexist, I woke up thinking about the situation of women in other countries and came to my mind the film "Bordertown" in Gregory Nava. That movie struck me terribly and apparently my brain has never been able to relegate him to be remembered older ones now devoid of emotions. Of those women do not talk anymore. Today the newspaper Norte de Ciudad Juarez "I read an article on the front page of dramatic Herik Martínez Prado speaking of 428 cases of crimes including rapes and sexual harassment perpetrated against women, the beginning of the year. I wish that women had a feeling of indignation and revolt against the silence of all those journalists who decide what to put in their papers and do not ever raise his voice to those of barbarism, though far from us but not too worrying symptom of the condition women in the world who care about and tell us who use women as an object for their own purposes commercial or personal is a sign of masculinity and normality. If this then is told by women is even worse ...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tamil Poetry Regarding Marriage

Poor Italy!

One time I was an avid reader of women's month, I read them avidly and I stopped to look at the advertising pages with great interest, studying the details. Lately they have suddenly lost their charm me all look the same and advertisements seem designed by a group of mass-men, misogynist and tasteless. The product takes a back seat, so much so that if there were no descriptions or brand out you would be hard pressed to identify the subject of advertising. Where is the creativity? What kind of message they want to send readers to these illiterate communicators? How much longer will sell sex and beauty dreams of millions of teenagers? And who are these naive young women who buy the products without feeling manipulated?
I'd like to know what are the investments of large companies, to whom and what?, Who will be my money? purchase products that have used children as cheap labor or cream that rubs me in the face every morning is cruelty free?. But this only affects me.
According to the commercial logic to clean the house I always wear heels and be fair? What happens if I do? Will I be stoned or burnt by the god of advertising? I apologize with all the advertising world because when I'm home I want to have the right to stay in my pajamas, with her hair and socks of a different color from the other. I want to have the right to eat twice a Mac in the center of Milan without feeling a whale, to wear my beloved ballerinas without the other makes me feel inadequate because they do not stagger into a heel 15, I would keep my wrinkles that tell so much about me without having to inject botulinum toxin that does so much good for your skin but it makes me like any other.
But what worries me most are the younger generation, consisting of advertising garbage, trash and anything from cultural programs. What do you do when you grow, my son? " Tronista ... I want to do. " Poor Italy! This time I tell you.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

3 Blue Dots In Positive Line On Pregnancy Test

play cowboys and Indians?

I decided to write during the summer, only light post, those that are quickly forgotten how to read those novels summer under the umbrella, but yesterday I saw my neighbor's son play in road was with a boyfriend and played the war and had weapons in their hands. They played happily to kill and kill passersby. I stopped my head for a while. I do not think there's anything wrong with playing at war, at the bottom of every child of my generation grew up "playing cowboys and Indians?", So why now should be different. Maybe it was dramatic at the time as today, but nobody noticed and was interested in what children play.
The father of the child in question works in the army, I suppose for him, unlike me, see her son holding a pistol is a source of pride.
reflection that will follow may not involve children, more adults who are victims of neglect, but of adults. Every time he approaches the topic with friends there is always someone who says that the armies and violence are necessary for the maintenance of peace. But the armies really only serve to protect us from "any" attacks and their existence has prevented human being to evolve its own kind of morality to a more peaceful society? We are so used to leave it to others, not to take on issues that affect the moral standards that we do not even realize how we convoluted. The thing that distinguishes us from animals is that the frontal cortex in humans occupy much space compared to other species. This allows us to anticipate our actions and in this way and prevention measures that could be harmful for us and for the other. In many of us this ability is just an accessory. Nothing more. A society which lacks the concept of good and evil is the worst thing I can imagine. Ethical principles are learned and vary from culture to culture. When a parent let their child play with the weapons is telling him one thing very clear "that the use of weapons to defend themselves and kill individuals of the same species is right, when they play video games where the only objective is to kill many people as possible in a short time we tell him "okay, okay, this is tolerated." This week, Burma, San Suu Kyi was again sentenced to 18 months in Chechnya, Zaren Sadulayeva (took care of orphans reintegrate into society mutilated to prevent who could be recruited by armed groups, pests, Chechen) and Estemirova ( journalist, Anna Politkovskaya's heir) were abducted and killed, this makes me think even more bitter.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Do You Unblock Websense At School


Golf is a sport which is played outdoors on location from sogno.Gli enthusiasts looking for places where charm and exclusive practice their passion from Patagonia to Dubai, Hong Kong in Nassau. L 'origin of the game is a very controversial topic: is commonly believed that golf is originally from Scotland where it has spread in the British Isles and from there the rest of the world goal of the game is to throw a ball down the grassy path, usually characterized by various difficulties and obstacles to its entry into the hole, the green is composed of a minimum 18 holes. Golfers can choose from time to time, stick more suitable for the construction of each shot. calls of bats using irons, woods, and putter. The movement with the bat is the basis for this discipline (a memorable scene in the movie "Tin Cup" where Kevin Costner Rene Russo teaches the rules of the swing), for a good launch are necessary coordination, flexibility and significant force. It 'requires a good physical preparation, is to make precise shots to prevent accidents, which occurs through specific pre-training in the gym. It 'a sport that usually is played in the company therefore has a strong socializing, also helps to know your limits. E ' a sport for everyone. No need for special athletic ability to play good golf but it is certain that walking outdoors for at least 4 hours in the middle of falsopiani and uphill, without considering the 70-140 swings needed to conclude the game, during which activate as many as 32 muscles from dorsal muscles of the arm and forearm, to those of the legs and buttocks, are an effective anti-stress pill, also undertakes the cardiovascular system, raising your heart rate within the aerobic threshold, a level ideal for fat consumption. Stretching is definitely a big help to golfers of all levels, and essential to prepare the muscles required to elongation during rotation bust in the "swing" the same aerobic exercise allows the player, especially if no longer young, to develop and maintain better cardiovascular capacity, which stimulates vasodilation and prevents the onset of stroke and other diseases related to lack of physical activity . For children there is a great sport it teaches us to pursue a proper course, in full compliance with the rules of the game, opponent, and nature. The importance of knowing the rules and respect for a golfer is maximum, this is the only sport in which everyone is judge of himself and then honesty and respect must be part of the baggage of every golfer.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What Do The Things On A Pokemon Card Mean

Adventures of swing with the sledge: the sledog

Among the sports that are proving most successful in recent years is the sledog: This is an enjoyable sport, fun and practical at all levels, both amateur and competitive.
The term "sledog" comes from the sled (sled) and dog (dog) and indicates a sport that involves humans, dogs and love for nature. Surrounded by pine woods, in nature where silence reigns, surrounded by breathtaking scenery and above all, far from city stress, it will seem to come suddenly in a novel by Jack London. The sleedog is not just a sport but a real sensory experience: whiz on the snow pulled by a pack of dogs will put you in contact with the wildest and most intimate of yourself sharpening the senses. Experience for everyone, including children, just be ready to take on a practice as old as impressive in contact with nature and with wonderful sled dogs. The sport of
sleedog bases its origin in the desolate and inaccessible polar regions of Alaska, where dog sleds were the only possible means of transport. In Europe, the sport comes in the late sixties, has since quickly spread through clubs and schools who practice it with great success. The clothing is best suited to ski, go a good suit and a windbreaker, sturdy gloves, hat and comfortable walking shoes. In the United States is held every year, the mythical Iditaroad ", in memory of 1925 when a group of dogs covered in rolling over 1092 miles to deliver diphtheria serum developed in the Inuit village of Nome. In honor of the head outline Balto who first came to the name by the vaccine, in Central Park in New York was erected a bronze statue of the dog on which is engraved the inscription "strength, loyalty, intelligence." The
sleedog is a sport with a high aerobic component similar to cross-country, the benefits are in cardiovascular, respiratory muscle. This sport can improve the muscle tone of the legs. The positive effects are due to the technique of pedaling (like a scooter), which consists of pushing actively when necessary, the sleigh. The muscles of the limbs if there is more work to overcome the unevenness of the track, the stage is thrust forward and tone the muscles of the buttocks. Like all long duration in time, low-intensity stress, improves cardiac efficiency by stimulating the heart's ability to pump blood vessels and in a circle, spraying fabrics, is the enhanced ability to vent air and oxygen continuously improving respiratory capacity Overall and individual breaths. Facing even counter-curves and turns, it takes a good muscle tone.,
There are many disadvantages, being a physical activity is not exaggerated, however, are not uncommon pains in the muscles and joints, especially the first few times and some bruising from the fall ...!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

How Does A Open Cervix Feel

The other half of the book-illustrators Show

A Sant'Ippolito, April 5, was inaugurated an exhibition, interesting because it contains numerous illustrations Italian. Significantly, given the collective title "the other half of the book that emphasizes well the value of the image on the success of an editorial product, but the caption opens with a paradox, "professionals and artists ..." because the decision to separate the artist from the seller? the artist can not be a professional? So when an artist becomes a professional? According to the usual definition, a professional is one who exercises his profession in front of a qualification, in this case an art school or academy for which the state legally recognizes an institution of representation. In theory, therefore, any person who comes out of these schools is considered a professional in a position to produce art. If a point of view of legal certainty that would be fair and simple, in terms of quality and artistic value of this criterion jumps. The libraries are inundated with books, published by major publishing houses, of little artistic interest. Roberto Innocenti's case strongly at odds with the publishing house Einaudi shows how being an artist is recognized and acknowledged by the editors is extremely difficult. Publishers should be able to identify quality artists, promoting them and be able to isolate and discard artists of little value. Perhaps marketing has invaded the field of art, who decides the fate of an illustrator often completely ignores what is a job "done on purpose." If we enter school in publishing, where authors of the books are teachers, and they deserve the choice of James 'right', the damage will be irreversible. When choosing an illustrator for a book, the curriculum should be the artist's work and not knowing the artist's ability to sell. But because the best illustrators, very often, can not find a place in the Italian market? I leave the conclusion to which Bruno Munari, by the early '70s, stated "... the artist worked for him and for an elite who can understand ... This elite consists of the most important people of society, and affects the rest society. Depending on the type of company you have a different kind of elite. Suppose the kind of society of corrupt people, and of clever speculators, parasites, ignorant and arrogant then, the hypocrites and dishonest ... well, this kind of society we will have an elite composed of the smartest, the most corrupt, from most reactionary ... Now we ask: what kind of art can consume this particular elite? ".
pictures: Madeleine Arcangeli, one of 23 illustrators in the exhibition