Monday, May 31, 2010

Bmx Bikes Good Offers 100 Pound Or Under

Running between dream and nightmare ... and then back to reality '. My "Passatore" 2010

begin by saying: "In your opinion, and 'a normal person chooses to run, to do a workout, a 100km race that race and then ... THE smugglers and hope to go in some crisis km to handle the emergency? "I do not think so! As my father always says in Neapolitan dialect:" Chell ca 'vo' Maria 'or find pa' on (What Maria wants to find him in the street), in this "Passatore" I just found what I wanted, only that the crisis 'was far more' than expected, about 32/33km.Un month and a half ago after having disposed of the 100km Seregno I decided with my coach to try to run this race historic affacinante, a milestone 100km of the planet ... SO RUN THE DREAM! The dream of the kind Passator through a route starting from the Apennines to Florence, in the Apennines and then climbs back down to 100km after Faenza, everything between the nature and villages caratteristici.L 'adventure begins Saturday mattina.L 'arrival in Florence, the encounter with his friend Dino who already' had also withdrawn my pettorale.Piazza Santa Croce seemed to live two realta'diverse: that of the race, with athletes, their rituals pre race, etc. and that the stands of the tourists who were a little 'stunned an unusual and colorful reality' of the square. Given the time of departure, early afternoon, there was time for the usual photos, there was the time to find and meet lots of friends through the grapevine that the media knew of facebook is to find li.Si c ' were just all friends, Andrea Accorsi with your Barchetti Monica, the legendary Carlin, the great Enrico Vedilei, Emanuele, Mauro, Stefano, Gianluca, the Sabry, Marco, Fabio (one of those "crazy", but was not the only one who had participated in the Nine Hills the week before). We move all toward Piazza della Signoria from where they would be in an adjacent street parties .. There were people lying, people on the fountain, all of them had come from everywhere with their own reasons which prompted them to run this avventura.Ore 15:00 . Let's go. The snake is launched on the streets of Florence, a few miles and then begins to salire.Strada reach me by my friend Claudio, a wonderful person, a great athlete, who is still very nervous tells me some of his adventures in ' departure.The first arrive in time to always serve as km for the greetings for the chiacchiere.C 'and' who recognize me by the inevitable flag's importance, those who know me personally, the usual jokes, in short, everything bello.Con Claudio's friend decided to go together for a bit 'then the difference in physical causes me to detach him up and take back in discesa.Arrivo to 42 km imo, I feel that there 'and' something wrong, to get to the glue still missing 6 km, alternating grit my teeth and running briskly. Check on joking with people in the car in my region who "accompanied" an athlete ... but 'the crisis was already' blossomed and was about to take shape ... LIVING NIGHTMARE. Arrive on, always very glossy and I try to gaze change clothes, do not see it ... then I think "Okay, I left another change in Marradi lighthouse 'all there'" begins the descent, the meter now before I ran them the way, the first meter walking now I'm running, it was about to fall on like nothing .... 'I Gianluca approaches, a friend of Reggio Emilia accompanying Dino asked if I had problems, the answer is that almost everything was ok and that I could handle the tutto.Su a sudden descent approaches Andrea Accorsi, 50m runs with me and tells me that down 'there is a thunderstorm, but that will probably go' and advised me to put something that allows me to face the cold of notte.Arrivo Marradi to where I had planned another stop them and even I can see the deputy position at the exchange rate, so 'riparto.La my head starts to evaluate all the assumptions about the remainder of the race and so' I decide to go on until 'the crisis steps, at most I would have finished in 15 hours, little importava.Il dark, cold embrace the Apennines and the athletes who pass. I'm completely in the dark, not having even been able to take the reflective inserts, vaguely like a small boat in a storm with a single pump operating the rudder, attached only to I was lucidita'che rimasta.Gli other athletes seem to fly, I see their lights pass me and go away ... a lady approached me with an SUV and seeing my flag's importance, to get them going down the window and turning up the stereo volume to hear the song makes me crazy Inter, and that 'then the anthem of the team, trading jokes with the woman, then you go and the darkness I riavvolgono.Quando all seems lost and you already' accounts how to get to the finish, however, head high and minimizing losses, here comes the rest of the 75 imo km.Li 'meeting another friend that spurs me a bit.' At that moment the light comes on, I start to run and the last to 24/25km net of refreshment slightly below the 4 'per km. This time I was that I was from another planet, I spent all with an ease' extreme, I watched the last two partial sbigottiti.Vedendo from 88 km 76imo imo I registered the 21 imo time and from 88 to 100 imo imo unbelievable but the seventh fastest time in practice ... what mostruoso.Tutto 'allowed me to get to 10 h 01' in 85 ima posizione.Capitolo deserves to arrival. It was from dark in the distance ... a beautiful road lit which resulted in a beautiful square where it was set up the arrival ... I was alone, I take my banner, I start waving, I see all those movies in my mind that I have seen on youtube the arrival of Calcaterra and factor ... I'm alone, the applause of the people are all my do not share with anyone, they are all for me, beautiful, beautiful, emozionante.Taglio the finish line and the first thing I think is' that the crisis that I had passed and I certainly will serve 'to Spartathlon and the way of how' has managed fills me with pride. From a distance, a voice calls me, a woman, I fight 'cause I can just to identify it from afar, is ... it' s one of my Facebook contacts, a friend who becomes a virtual-reality, despite the considerable time had elapsed chatting hidden behind monitors the cold. He says that upon arrival with the flag of the Inter could be just me and so 'have tried to call me ... we stayed there a few minutes to chat ... THANKS AND MIRELLA' was a pleasure to meet in person! Meanwhile also my friend Claudio and 'come, let's go to the showers with a van, we do have a massage and then we have two cots and blankets provided by the organization to spend the night and next morning we return to the atleti.La 'arrival to take effect at the neck and left Marradi ... there are still athletes who come ... Bravo, bravo TUTTI.Si to go away and back to reality' quotidiana.Grazie "Passatore" for everything I have nice but even more 'for those 32km of crisis from which it came out much more 'aware that my personal "Triple" (as does my friend Andrea) I centrarlo.Dopo the 100km Seregno, after the "Passatore" now it's up to Spartathlon so that' how and 'was the Champions league for my Inter and that means' the finish line more 'diffficile'm sure I can reach and the joy will be' the same as May 22 when present at the Santiago Bernabeu after 45 years we have won the coveted trofeo.Come I always do I want to thank my family, my societa'Reggio Event's, my allenatiore Vincenzo Esposito, friends, all the fans that I have and always inspire me and the site that hosts always my scritti.GRAZIE E 'FOR YOU!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dragonball Bowling Ball

the world table of Mara.

Today it is a beastly hot and it 'party. E 'party because there' s the home fixture (...) and then we thought well to reverse on Saturday with Sunday's order to allow our big boy to cross km of jungle to go to cheer for their team. Only Mark and Richard were among the boxes and we sincerely hope we girls they go for a ride to spend a day, do not say much, all women ... & shaves, showers, massage each other, run naked around the room, do laundry and mess-free and not contained in a manner as we are usually forced to do. Mark and Richard go to toucans ja! There 'to say, however,' that without Mark at this time I would not be here writing this blog, and 'he was climbing on the internet to repair the roof of the school, to the delight of us all and teachers who do not without youporn there were the more '! I would like to greet with affection by all of us parents of Henry, the pope 'Angela and all those who follow our adventures, and who write to us via the guestbook, when the line and' round and 'have been nice to find them' all your messages and always feel like neighbors. Hurray hurray us but especially you who do not have their wings clipped in fact, from now on, we hope that the connection does not give more 'problems and not be forced to resort to carrier pigeons seriously;)!
- 2 weeks, ARGH! This morning, before going to Santiago, the boys have raised "to fly a couple more on the second floor trusses, the structure and dell'obra 'complete! Without the trusses, once placed on them and Tiras triplay, i think they should Chinantla to the roof panel. For a couple of days trying to explain Richard unnecessarily Noe 'which would also come the time to think about the doors and windows, even reaching out to express themselves with gestures but to stick his head in the concept. There 'a little' indecision regarding the color of the walls and if you do not get much wood does not really know how to do these blessed coatings. Marco (more and more 'suffering from Arteteca) is trying to decipher the complicated Mexican power system in order to play at our house because ...' and now the obra 'our own house: there is' the carpenter's shop, the room of the trusses The hovel of chips and the upstairs for all the parties and banquets. During the day we build it, we live by night! We reimpossesati the museum, or at least its splendid portico which we have two beautiful hanging hammocks, we are becoming a bit ' freak (a bit 'too much for the tastes of Mara) ... Alexander built the bolas in mind we are full of dread, dreadlocks and hair braids of colored cotton, sawdust and garrapados, the lounge has reached record levels of dirt and we also have unwittingly stolen a dog to feel even more 'punkabestia! We had been called Berta, our foundling of Santiago, the more 'like a shrew than a real dog, was in poor condition and we thought we'd take her away .. but if the master and the' come to shoot up tlatepuzzo to: (.
It 's time for a good tuna sandwich, and tomato majonese then hello, CLEMENTE ONE OF U.S.!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Do You Get Rid Of A Red Blotch On End Of Nose

mind and motivation during my run ... (Article also published on Born To Run)

In I recently had the pleasure of knowing over Franco Lanfredi Marathon Custoza of chatter on FB on interesting topics. From there sprang the request to write an article on how the mind develops the process of a long race. The
artcolo you can read it on the website born to run at this link:

During and after the marathon Custoza, running at an average rate bland, about 4'21 "km, I realized, moment by moment, in my mind and in my mind there had been changes that had made me live the race in a particular way, other than when I ran the marathons with the hassle of cronometro.Da a bit 'of time are ultramarathons and use the past to the races from 42,195 to train and, again, doing everything at a pace more 'slower than when I began to see and hear things that before immaginavo.Tempo even run a marathon for me was like a sprinter running a 100m race. .. mind once the finish line, almost holding their breath, one goal the final time, what 'around me did not exist was made in trance.Ho races where at the end not even remember where I was from the past, this was the concentration that had . Not today, when I run a marathon but I do it with style 'is not running with the handbrake on because' however, would be an effort ...
run so ... 'I need to eat less sugar and mental resources when they are in a race endurance.Corro letting go legs comfortably, and relaxed physically and mentally as' doing projects take shape in my head, dreams, reliving of the posts that come out of corners more 'hidden memoria.La more thing' but nice 'and' I can "feel" odori.Si's, what's odori.Facendo 'I travel around the world. Let me explain: I have had the good fortune to travel the globe far and wide and my mind made a strange game ... matched one place to smell and so 'in the blink of an eye pass from green Ireland to Brazil, from Turkey to Togo, and so' do the circumnavigation of the world. I live very well and I like this feeling, 'cause I know that' mine and mine alone, makes me stand there while tens of thousands of miles distanza.Quando km ultramarathon in the beginning to be tired a lot and inexorably begins to peep, comes into play motivazione.Inizio to charge, I say to myself the reason why they are and what prompted me to do this'. In This way I get two benefits: why I rest and mental clarity. Only cosi'riesco tutto.Un to manage the 'other thing that relaxes me and helps me when I run and' music, I always carry with me the i-pod, this' my faithful companion viaggio.Nei particular moments in Sometimes just a verse of a song, a melody ripartire.Sempre restarting the engine and the music that accompanies me another strange thing happens ... the brain acts as an equalizer and that means 'at some point the music and' the principal protagonist of my race then maybe after a while takes a back seat to nearly disappear even when a flash hits me and takes me to wander outside the mind in other lidi.L 'apotheosis and' but 'when he can mix it all : musical notes, external environment and mental fantasies varie.Concludendo say that if you want to run a good race and endurance you need to have a very strong motivation, a great athletic training, physical and mental, and the motto should be "IF SOMEONE has done it ANOTHER SURE I CAN DO IT TOO "... then start to work hard ... 'cause if you remember a good race and run marathons and relaxed' because 'in a week sweating and spitting blood.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Annabel Chong Gang Bang Stream

"There was' officially open the hunting season the scorpion" R. Pennacchio

E' started counting down, at least for the yard. Today we have raised the longitudinal walls of the second floor, beautiful and funny moments we were all ready to our seats, we at the pillars, the Chinantla to the ropes when we were covered by a cloud of smoke caused by a small fire quickly extinguished with a T-shirt ! Look at the obra now makes a very different effect. Do you realize how much and 'that great little picture and how much of it had not taken into account. Giu 'on the ground floor, beneath the beams of the floor, and it' opened a small carpentry workshop with lots of teaching: "From Geppetto, saws & other", and Mara Noe '(the lota) are available throughout the day yard! The wood continues scarce, he does carry the trusses, not just a little 'slow. In the meantime, let us also think how to make the stairs and the fixtures and building on the landing platform shoe hidden in between the two rooms on the second floor (Carrie Bradshaw would be proud of us girls!). We will do our hope that the pueblo cooperate and that it remains satisfied.
Tomorrow we expect the party to Geo (Field staff (which nobody ever knew what the hell it means)) to be held 'at the inauguration of the museum's great neighbor obra, we are all very curious to know what they mean for the tlatepuschi "feast" ... Obviously we hope that a couple of missing elements, and Dr. Attilio Bellicapelli heads first of all, that gave us the very strong emotions (those who have seen Attilio from the balcony half-naked, drunk rotten, with a plaid blanket in hand, dancing alone upstairs, know what I mean).
all live together and passionately 'nice, although there are times when you run away in search of desperate loneliness! How much we miss home and how much we will miss this place. Our showers for example: a wooden box with a tin roof and a "wall" made of the central planks glued together with saliva as they say. Level of less than zero privacy, both inside and outside since the lovely cabins (shower of stones "right," shower basket "on the left) are located in the Piazza San Marco Tlatepusco, post-dinner gathering place around the village, now fans of the show bathrobes. We will miss also the baker of cookies and banana-flavored foot probably.
We are trying to upload new pictures but we have many difficulties' cause the PC and connection are what they are as you know ... I sleep zzzzzzz.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can You Wank On Antibiotics

Emotions with a book ...

Dear Friends, I write many times to tell you of my travels and the emotions I feel during a race. Today, however, I always want to tell you feel good but do not try running, but ... reading. Yes, you read that right ... reading. I just finished devouring the second book of Andrea Accorsi, "Until the last breath." Andrew and 'one of us, a running and sweating on the roads around the world with his beloved Monica. Andrea Accorsi has a gift and e 'to be thrilled and to stay glued to the pages of his books that people initially do possibly with superficiality', as alas 'and' happened to me with his first book. This book has in common with the first race, but while the first, fantastic, it was autobiographical Twelve hours of racing in which it was scanned and condensed his life, this is the story of an athlete strong enough to live very hectic stage in his life to sports and uomo.Una person that will 'rise from the ashes of a life that was about to throw away. A great story with a surprise ending that I wrote these lines because svelo.Non 'Andrea and' a dear person and a friend, but because 'I hope it is an incentive to people even if they have problems, they can come out fighting. I got pretty emotional. THANKS ANDREA

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Does Costco Sell Makeup Brushes

If hell exists, and 'the black hole in the bathrooms. BIBI

Hello from San Pedro Tlatepusco! The country where the search for the object that most 'lends itself to rub on mosquito bites trend, where if you see a shooting star in 99% of cases it is actually' a psychedelic glow-worm, where the showers are divided into " pisciatori "and" non pisciatori. Someone has well
thought to reach progress here also planning a driveway, and the problem ', in order to achieve it, this someone is blowing up half the Jungle (do not worry moms, it freaks there any way!) often depriving electricity' ! So we apologize for not updating my blog and, above all, for not doing his best wishes to all mothers on May 9, moms, we love you! Sunday and 'was also the complenno of our party and its Marco.La 'begins Saturday afternoon and it' s over on Monday 'morning, between cows on the grill, bonfire' on site, pizza Chinantla and handmade gifts! Again Happy Birthday Mark!
We left behind a week of intense work and no difficulty at all ', the obra begins to grow vertically to the delight of tlatepuschi and ours, as the mood of the leaders and 'proportional to the amount' of architectural material produced!
Current Status of places: the floor decking of the second level and 'almost been completed (for testing, after a hard day's work, May 1 Penasa of us we have well over a party under the stars), the curb of the kitchen 4 beautiful trusses have been installed, the porch waiting for the little shown and lamiera.All 'internal splint was inserted conduit for the electrical system and has formed the first room: the bedroom adjacent to the cube / shower, special thx to Richard, Nicola, Alessandro and Mark have done a little overtime to build the partition.
Until a few days ago we as a tool shed and a thing called museo.Poi 'Attilio Bellicapelli come such a very famous architect Chinantla alcoholic, and if e' again to sistemarlo.Ma what do you do when you have a pseudo museum LOUNGE a room? Thanks to the creative genius of rotterMARA a couple of weeks we have a hole where there is everything to us' everything we need: the collapse of the mats, guitars, bananas, cigarettes, medicines, food, toilet paper, backpacks, computers, mezcal, balsa biscuits and, of course, music for all moods!
The women of the party (not all eh!) Are affected by the housewife syndrome and do not feel achieved if all do not wash your dirty linen in circulation, whoever they are, then we also have those who do the laundry! Plus' children are all Use it to less than 5 hours on foot from here, for Youth Games', that ass.
We hope to be able to upload the most 'soon some new pictures taken and selected by Angela, our official photographer, and Ross as well, and' good video even if the officer actually '!
Goodnight everyone.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Arris Model Tm502g Drivers Cd

Custoza Marathon 2010 ... what a beautiful! Adventure

When, a few weeks ago, I enrolled in the marathon of Custoza, I did it only in order to do a workout without taking account of the good reviews you read about it. "Sara 'solta the race in the country with a little' up and down and nothing else," she said after her race ... I can say that I was wrong clamorosamente.All 'arrival, I had the feeling he "had a good feeling," live "step by step, and enjoyed the next moment attimo.Questa feeling 'which later became certainty on Sunday evening when I was safely at home, again, I thought of the beautiful colors seen along the way, the smells "tasted" in nature and going to beautiful places attraversati.Paesaggisticamente fantastic and very well organized, despite a very nervous and varied path, this marathon I was running relaxed so much that I thought anything but that for which I had gone there and that is 'allenarmi.Per That is why the advice to the many friends over the race, trying emozioni.Sono also arrived very early in Sommacampagna, Sunday morning, they were still perfecting a few things but I have noticed that the location of the arrival / departure was in a very spazioso.I beautiful and parking lots, locker rooms with showers and storage bags, stand for removal of the chest and that of the return of the chip and race pack were all over them ', within one hundred and fifty / two hundred meters ... All very comodo.Con the passing of minutes, the area adjacent to the departure began to be populated by athletes, escorts, persons engaged in the various stands and many others ... Many dialects, many colors and very calore.Il catch up with old friends, many of accomplices km courses together, find the people you know with whom and 'always nice and pleasant chat before and after the race especially when it comes to travel and experiences around the world, the know "friends who are such because' Facebook contacts, made the buzzing atmosphere, the air smelled of life ... a healthy life!. Before leaving the usual picture, with the ubiquitous John Smith, my T-shirt that depopulated being photographed by dozens of friends, the usual talk on pace to take in races, the usual tension ... so it was ready to partire.Verso quarter past eight: The punzonatura.Si enter the starting area. At half past eight: Fire ... It is part of the adventure begins! begins journey through the senses will be awakened as that along the way along the beautiful percorso.I first few kilometers I have classes with his friend Gianluca pero 'hachiesto shortly after me if I could get away because he was not in perfect condition made fisiche.Detto . is reached by my friend Claudio, but let him go 'cause I just gotta do a lot of training and nothing else. After a while,' I reach that Stephen is always the error and that means' to start too fast compared to what should be your normal pace ... Unfortunately disconnects salita.Passano kilometers, past Custoza, Valeggio, Borghetto, along the river Mincio with the fishermen who spend their days cultivating their hobby.Durante the path of the usual jokes with the public and the other runners "blame" for the Inter bendiera I've always behind me and takes me all over the streets of the world ... all the while under the jokes. At some point a person approaches me on a scooter, who then turns out to be his friend Frank, who leads me, I take photos chat for five or six hundred yards in all but absolute peace 'even if I was going uphill at 4' 23. I finish the race in 3 hours and three minutes, running the second most 'fast and flying for about three minutes the last three kilometers to the average of three forty per km ... a bell'allenamento, nothing to say . Bella medal for participation, and plenty of good pasta party, race packet male.Sono not gone Sommacampagna happy way to three in the afternoon when my "effort" was over at eleven trenta.Adesso the next event will be 'the Passatore, another workout even if a hundred miles, another piece of the puzzle that will have' as his SPARTATHLON the last piece. How do I always want to thank my family, my societa'Reggio Event's, my allenatiore Vincenzo Esposito, friends, all the fans that I have and always inspire me and the site that hosts always my scritti.GRAZIE E 'FOR YOU !

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Does The Lasagna Has To Be Covered In Oven