Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Muteki Da Sony Ht-ddw

Long live the king! A River Dream

We are so attracted to the power to kill the person most dear to us or disown the name of our family. Why are we so attracted to something that you can not touch? Or eat? Power is never shared, who distributes it to those who hold stronger screaming his name, "Long live the king!" and the populace while waiting for his death behind a tent. The death then as the only true peacemaker anime.

To satisfy certain types of thirst some people are prepared for anything.
No matter how long you want to thirsty sooner or later the stimulus ends. There will always be new needs that can not satisfy the thirst and grow and everything will remain unfinished. There will always be new ideas but not because of their commitment to appropriate the ideas of others remain in a corner and stir. Dry and uninterested in their true nature hidden like snakes among our dearest friends.

The spirit that dwells in those fertile bodies of all envy is destined to vanish.

Everyone lives within their own comfort zone, more or less colorful but sooner or later each of us will emerge and will look out and moments of terror, moments of terrible real life.

baffles me the contrast between this apparent by all the world as rational thought and a body full of need, complexity and contradictions.
The tragedy in recent years become one occasion, though still little used, to reflect on the fragility, loneliness and the limits of human nature beyond any circostanza.Cosa happened to the reality of our lives? Humanity is not something that man but it is something that man should fight every time to possess


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