Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Do You Get Rid Of A Red Blotch On End Of Nose

mind and motivation during my run ... (Article also published on Born To Run)

In I recently had the pleasure of knowing over Franco Lanfredi Marathon Custoza of chatter on FB on interesting topics. From there sprang the request to write an article on how the mind develops the process of a long race. The
artcolo you can read it on the website born to run at this link:

During and after the marathon Custoza, running at an average rate bland, about 4'21 "km, I realized, moment by moment, in my mind and in my mind there had been changes that had made me live the race in a particular way, other than when I ran the marathons with the hassle of cronometro.Da a bit 'of time are ultramarathons and use the past to the races from 42,195 to train and, again, doing everything at a pace more 'slower than when I began to see and hear things that before immaginavo.Tempo even run a marathon for me was like a sprinter running a 100m race. .. mind once the finish line, almost holding their breath, one goal the final time, what 'around me did not exist was made in trance.Ho races where at the end not even remember where I was from the past, this was the concentration that had . Not today, when I run a marathon but I do it with style 'is not running with the handbrake on because' however, would be an effort ...
run so ... 'I need to eat less sugar and mental resources when they are in a race endurance.Corro letting go legs comfortably, and relaxed physically and mentally as' doing projects take shape in my head, dreams, reliving of the posts that come out of corners more 'hidden memoria.La more thing' but nice 'and' I can "feel" odori.Si's, what's odori.Facendo 'I travel around the world. Let me explain: I have had the good fortune to travel the globe far and wide and my mind made a strange game ... matched one place to smell and so 'in the blink of an eye pass from green Ireland to Brazil, from Turkey to Togo, and so' do the circumnavigation of the world. I live very well and I like this feeling, 'cause I know that' mine and mine alone, makes me stand there while tens of thousands of miles distanza.Quando km ultramarathon in the beginning to be tired a lot and inexorably begins to peep, comes into play motivazione.Inizio to charge, I say to myself the reason why they are and what prompted me to do this'. In This way I get two benefits: why I rest and mental clarity. Only cosi'riesco tutto.Un to manage the 'other thing that relaxes me and helps me when I run and' music, I always carry with me the i-pod, this' my faithful companion viaggio.Nei particular moments in Sometimes just a verse of a song, a melody ripartire.Sempre restarting the engine and the music that accompanies me another strange thing happens ... the brain acts as an equalizer and that means 'at some point the music and' the principal protagonist of my race then maybe after a while takes a back seat to nearly disappear even when a flash hits me and takes me to wander outside the mind in other lidi.L 'apotheosis and' but 'when he can mix it all : musical notes, external environment and mental fantasies varie.Concludendo say that if you want to run a good race and endurance you need to have a very strong motivation, a great athletic training, physical and mental, and the motto should be "IF SOMEONE has done it ANOTHER SURE I CAN DO IT TOO "... then start to work hard ... 'cause if you remember a good race and run marathons and relaxed' because 'in a week sweating and spitting blood.


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