Friday, April 30, 2010

John Lennon Epiphone Casino Strap

"And me and 'drill in this sweet wood" (cit.Clara)

San Pedro Tlatepusco: one bizarre but beautiful. Its inhabitants
a little 'smile at us, a little' look at us suspiciously. Clement, Benito, Noe ', Augustine, Leonardo's grandfather, Uncle Sloth and a bit 'all the others who work with us on site, now you feel at home in the middle of the pack that we are stoned! Are no longer 'if a coarse laughter and screams, incompetence and diminished', even there 'who joins us in the break-down Coke pancrema (maxiritz rectangular) - cigarette. There 'instead who just will not come off off, Felipe & Co., the bandwidth of the village infamoni children (age' of between 5 and 9 years)! The yard is the police station (aka our house if he had not understood) virtually a step, well .. even in that short ride, in the early morning, those pests do not miss the opportunity to tease a bit 'before going to school! As soon as may come to us to work now .. almost effortlessly, even though they, izialmente, the purpose of the visit was coming to play us girls to take a beating. The moment the light turns docciatime you find them all positioned on the bench on which our cabins and give us very nearly died for lunch and dinner!
There 's a lot of people that still shows the intersection shyness just our eyes, people who do not trust us, people that there is absurd!
What matters, however, 'is that today, men, women and children (!) Fell from the top of the mountain loads of wood. What matters is' we're doing something together. And, of course, that will not be 'more' show must go on Himalayas for the missing pieces as he had thought about doing!
Tonight we see many stars, the few times I've seen a sky so '. The special thanks goes to Richard, who now has "regained" the bottle of mezcal lost on the way from Oaxaca, tomorrow is celebrated on May 1st!


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